Re: [Xen-devel] highly available xen
James Harper wrote:
Has anyone done any work in developing some heartbeat scripts (or any
other method) for making xen domains highly available across multiple
physical machines?
By my reckoning the hurdles to overcome are:
. make absolutely sure that the same domain doesn't start twice and hose
it's filesystem (I've done this. It isn't pretty)
This is a feature I'm going to eventually add to vm-tools. It's a
little non-trivial but I don't think it will be too difficult once the
proper architecture is in place.
. migrate a domain in the case of an orderly shutdown
Not sure I understand this one.
. restart a domain on another physical server in the case of a complete
xen crash
You mean have redundant copies of Xen and some sort of monitoring
capability? If one phys. server stops responding the other starts it's
. add some smarts to know how many domains a physical server can support
This is a very interesting problem. I don't think there's a right
answer. Any thoughts on appopriate heuristics?
. prioritise critical domains over non-critical domains (eg a primary
mail server might take priority over a secondary dns server)
You can weight CPUs. That's essentially what you're looking for right?
Any thoughts?
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