RE: [Xen-devel] DoSing Xend, unable to destroy domain
> just for fun my domain overwrote the shared_info_page with
> some repeated
> random value, whereafter the domain stopped responding (no
> surprise there).
> I could still 'xm list' my running domains, but trying to 'xm
> destroy'
> the dead domain left xm hanging, and xend unresponsive. The
> only way to
> get xend running again was by booting the machine.
That shouldn't happen, but I'm not totally surprised. We know xend needs
to be a bit more defensive -- its one of the reasons for the planned
> Calling xc_destroy() in libxc directly still left the domain hanging.
I suspect this is due to xend not correctly closing down and freeing the
shared pages for the device channels. This will stop Xen from doing the
final cleanup of the domain, though most of the memory will have been
freed. Domains lingering in this state are ugly but fairly harmless.
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