RE: [Xen-devel] A few questions
> I've just heard about Xen, and I'm thinking about using
> NetBSD 2.0 + Xen
> as a virtual server solution. However, I have a few questions to ask:
As far as I'm aware, NetBSD is only supported as a guest, not domain 0
('host' in vmware speak).
> - I see there is no port for x86_64 yet; The server I'll be
> running xen
> from will be a Dual AMD Opteron 64 bits. Will Xen correctly work in
> 32-bit mode?
> - No support for SMP on guest OS, right?
There is prototype support for SMP linux 2.6 guests.
> - Could you please enlighten me about the internals of xen, regarding
> network? How does it establishes the network with the host
> system?
You can use bridging or routing in domain0.
> Can I run a firewall on a virtual server without any problems ?
> - According to the site, a FreeBSD port should be close. Is there any
> date we can expect Xen ported to FreeBSD?
FreeBSD is available for testing -- see the list archive (Kip Macy).
> - Any plans to port to OpenBSD?
Not as yet, but its certainly possible.
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