Re: [Xen-devel] [patch 5/5] xen: net features
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 12:45:28AM -0000, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > > I'm not a big fan of this section of the patch, though.
> > The entire idea of it or just the current attributes?
> I can see the point of having some controls on the backend:
> xen/fe.domain_name: frontend domain name (read only, for reference)
> xen/fe.mac: all transmitted packets must have this MAC
> (read/write)
> Having said that, since most people want to enforce a given src IP
> address and hence have to use iptables anyway, its not buying us a huge
> amount. Ebtables can be used to have the same effect very easily.
> Having the fe domain name stored in the kernel is somewhat distasteful
> as its purely for user space's benefit and we're likely to get into
> "should it be the name or uniqueid?" issues.
Ok, having thought things over i retract the final patch, assuming that
control over the backend interface mac address is implemented. It was
still good experience for an initial foray into kernel coding though
i think :)
Jody Belka
knew (at) pimb (dot) org
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