Re: [Xen-devel] Re: Xen kernel issue
> Are there prebuilt packages like the ones for Fedora available for
> Debian or any other distributions?
Adam Heath was working on the official Debian Xen 2.0 packages, so if they're
not in testing / unstable, they will be at some point.
> When doing things the any-linux way, what's the proper way of getting
> the old .config file to stick with the new config from Xen's setup?
Try the following in the xen repository:
cp /your/old/config/file dist/install/boot/config-xxx-xen0
make dist
> Basically, I really don't care which distro I get it going in, as long
> as vmlinuz-xxx-dom0 has the options I need and it doesn't break the system.
The above should work. You mentioned in an earlier post that you'd done a
make xconfig in the Linux directory - if you do that, you'll need to copy out
the .config file to the path I mentioned above. Otherwise it'll get
overwritten (by the file that happens to be at that path) when you make
dist / world.
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