RE: [Xen-devel] agp and framebuffer (intelfb) - your milage may vary
> with the patches/linux-2.6.9/{agpgart,drm}.patch patches applied
> (shouldn't there be a symlink to linux-2.6.10?)
There's an argument that we should automatically apply these patches and
build AGP and DRM support as modules for our xen0 kernels. It would be
good to know which drivers have actually been tested and work.
Rik: did you have any luck feeding the agpgart and drm patches up
> I would
> appreciate it if someone who knows the xen agp subsystem (in
> particular
> the agp_acquire_backend) better would look over the intelfb.patch and
> post any improvements (I don't like taking out the checks made on
> agp_acquire_backend(), but with them left in, I get "intelfb: cannot
> acquire agp").
Which of the error codes is it returning? There's nothing special about
AGP support on arch xen, its just that Xen is rather stricter about what
drivers are allowed to get away with, requring some fixes.
int agp_backend_acquire(void)
if (agp_bridge->type == NOT_SUPPORTED)
return -EINVAL;
if (atomic_read(&agp_bridge->agp_in_use))
return -EBUSY;
return 0;
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