Re: [Xen-devel] XenCD prerelease available
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 09:31:08 -0800
Jared Rhine <jared@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> A prerelease version of a Xen-integrated bootable CD I've been working
> on is available for download here:
> http://files.wordzoo.com/xencd/xencd.iso.gz
> This CD is only just at the point of being minimally usable. It's had
> very little testing outside of qemu, and doesn't include much beyond 2
> auto-started ttylinux instances (for which the network doesn't seem to
> work). Projects like this thrive on feedback, though, so I'm offering
> what I have. Please feel free to provide nit-picking or grandiose
> feedback of any kind, here or in private email.
Awesome! I just tried it out.
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