RE: [Xen-devel] MYSQL bechmark results on XEN and NFS
> I am trying to setup mysql on XEN. I need to set it up on
> NFS so I can migrate the domain when needed.
I'd use GNBD rather than NFS in situations where performance matters.
Also, you should be using 2.0-testing for benchmarking purposes until we
push out 2.0.4, as the default kernel config had debugging turned on in
> I am getting unexpected results and wanted to get some feedback.
> Here is my setup:
> 1. NFS server
> Dual 2.0 Ghz AMD Opteron
> 2GB of RAM
> Broadcom GB NIC
> Standard Fedora Core 3 (FC3)
> Mysql w/tpc-c medium databases on the NFS share
> XenU filesystem on the NFS share
> 2. Xen machine
> Dual 2.0 Ghz AMD Opteron
> 2GB of RAM
> Broadcom GB NIC
> FC3 w/XEN kernel patch
> Dom0 = 512MB RAM
> DomU = 512MB RAM
> 3. TPC-C client
> PIII 2.0 Ghz
> 512 MB RAM
> Standard Fedora Core 2
> TCP-C client
> Results using the tpc-c benchmark:
> Baseline ~3300 new-ops per second
> Machine 2 booted to the standard FC3
> Xen0 ~ 1700 new-ops per second
> Machine 2 booted to Xen kernel with 512MB of RAM
> XenU ~500 new ops per second
> Machine 2 booted to Xen kernel with 512MB of RAM
> DomU booted from NFS share with 512MB of RAM
> Am I missing something here or is that much degradation
> expected when booting a virtual machine over NFS.
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