RE: [Xen-devel] RE: [PATCH] X server crashes Xen on xeno-unstable.bk
> > Interesting. I'm guessing the reason we haven't seen this is that we
> > don't build on FC3. The newer version of gcc has obviously
> spotted the
> > opportunity to hoist the load.
> of curiosity what test platforms do you use anyway? for example that
> "idle_loop" bug happens on Suse 9.1.
We build on a variety of distributions.
The nightly builds still happen on RH9, which is what I generally use (I
have a trusting relationship with gcc 3.2.2-5, and I fear change ;-)
Keir uses FC2, and Christian uses Debain Sarge from time to time too.
Testing gets done on a variety of installed distros that we have, adding
RH7.2 and FC3 to the above.
We're planning to start doing builds and tests on RHEL and SLES soon
too. (We've previously been too cheap ;-)
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