RE: [Xen-devel] Multiple priviliged domains
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-devel-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:xen-devel-
> admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jacob Gorm Hansen
> Sent: 19 December 2004 11:52
> To: Mark Williamson
> Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; John L Griffin
> Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Multiple priviliged domains
> Mark Williamson wrote:
> l.
> >
> > Obviously, dom0 will need control of some physical devices inorder
> have
> > something to boot from (unless ofcourse you use a *really big*
> :-) ).
> >
> hi,
> In my setup, you do not need a very large initrd to do this.
> Essentially, the only thing running in dom0 is a simple ICMP/ping
> server. You send a specially formatted and signed ping payload to
> and in response to that it fires up a new VM with a UIP TCP/IP stack
> inside. You then connect to that TCP/IP stack, and self-migrate or
> (eventually, not implemented yet) bootstrap directly into the
> unprivileged guest. Dom0 does not need to have a TCP/IP stack, and at
> present the ping server main loop is only 50 lines of code.
> With pre-NGIO version of Xen 1.3 that I am currently using, all you
> in your dom0-initrd is the ping server and an ELF image from which to
> create UIP guest VMs.
Yes, but in 1.3 device drivers are still in Xen. In 2.0 device drivers
are run in a guest OS (which was what the original poster was looking
for). In order to boot dom0 in this model without physical device
drivers it would need a *really big* initrd (as Mark said) because it
would need to create other VMs from it to provide dom0 with virtual
devices. I'm not sure at all if xend supports this sort of setting.
If you have a decent server class machine with multiple nics and scsi
controllers you could use some of these to get dom0 booting and then
fire off other VMs to provide isolated device services to other VMs.
That "should" be supported by xend...
> I am hoping that in the future the parts of xend
> that have to do with setting up network interfaces to domains will
> out into a small C executable, as that would allow me to provide
> functionality for Xen 2.0 or 2.1.
> Source and binaries are available from
> http://www.diku.dk/~jacobg/self-migration/
> Jacob
> PS: I do apologize to the long-time subscribers who are fed with me
> spamming this list with ads for self-migration stuff every time a new
> user who could find this relevant shows up on the list. Perhaps I can
> convince the Xen webpage maintainers to link to my stuff as a related
> project?
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