Re: [Xen-devel] reiserfs/xfs creation/check problem
> > kandur2:~# mkfs.xfs /dev/hda2
> [...]
> > ioctl 00001261 not supported by XL blkif
> how old is your mkfs here? there were issues a long time ago with the
> ioctls to get the device size (64-bit size request not being supported
> or being quirky and needing work... i forget the details now)
This is xfsprogs 2.6.20-1 from debian/sarge. SGI has 2.6.25 I will try that,
and report back.
> > bread: Cannot read the block (51199): (Input/output error).
> write over those blocks and hope the drive remaps the bad sectors
> safely and it doesn't get worse
> this usually works but not always
This is definetly not a badblock problem, consider this setup:
/dev/rootvg/dom2xfslv in domain0 gets exported to the domain "dom2" as hda2.
creating and checking xfs/reiserfs filesystems in domain0 on
/dev/rootvg/dom2xfslv works fine
creating and checking xfs/reiserfs filesystems in dom2 on
/dev/hda2 fails.
The disk blocks under domain0:/dev/rootvg/dom2xfslv and dom2:/dev/hda2 are
the same. mkfs/fsck versions are the same in both domains.
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