Re: [Xen-devel] Bridge not coming up
On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 09:36:29PM +0000, Mark A. Williamson wrote:
> Have you checked the files /var/log/{xend,xend-debug}.log? Do they contain
> evidence of any interesting explosions? If so, please post it back to us.
> Does anyone else with RHEL see this?
RHEL put brctl in /usr/local/sbin where none of the scripts could find
it.. Made a smylink to /sbin ...
Now the br0 comes up at boot fine: but I can't make network connection
to any domain until the domain first talks through the bridge.
This is true if you ping out to the net or to a neighboring domain.
-Phil Carinhas
| Dr. Philip A. Carinhas | pac(at)fortuitous.com |
| Fortuitous Technologies Inc. | http://fortuitous.com |
| Linux Networking & Security | Tel : 1-512-351-7783 |
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