Re: FreeBSD stable? was Re: [Xen-devel] Xen FreeBSD port is available?
Kip Macy <kmacy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I've had a VM up and running for about an hour and 45 minutes running
> the lmbench3 OS benchmarks. The results aren't going to be that
> interesting as I have a lot of diagnostic code in the kernel. However,
> it does serve as a first order sanity check of stability.
> What all do you need to do beta testing? I have a loopback image (file)
> that I use that can probably be compressed down to 100MB. The i386-xeno
> tree more or less (one needs to add a few symlinks) just drops into a
> FreeBSD 5.2.1 tree.
Does your loopback file contain a normal userland or is it modified in
some way? If it is normal, we should be able to build one ourselves
without any problems.
Regarding the source we will of course need whatever is not already in
the cvsuppable source.
> How stable do you need it to be? There is a known issue that I'm working
> around by disabling pre-faulting on a 64MB range of the VA.
At this point just stable enough to get a good feel about how it will
run. We don't have any immediate plans for production.
> If you're inclined to work on it as well I'll send you a patch with the
> added debugging support I've added to xen. It has proven *extremely*
> useful.
Please do.
Christian Laursen
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