Re: [Xen-devel] Problem with VBD
> OK.. nice! I think this is missing from the docs..
We're attacking the docs with a vengeance now. It's the last major
showstopper for a 2.0 release...
> hmm.. xda is used in the example-configuration..
> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/downloads/xen-2.0-install.tg
> in install/etc/xen/xmexample1
Right, that's gotta go! I vaguely remember seeing that some time before.
> btw. Is there any way to give more memory than the physical memory to
> domains?
> Say, I have 512 MB of physical RAM in the box, is it possible to create 4
> domains each seeing 256 MB of RAM?
Xen doesn't overcommit memory, so you can't do that, no. However, you could
use the balloon driver to shift the memory allocation between domains at
runtime (e.g. reduce dom0's memory footprint a little, then increase dom1's
footprint instead).
> I guess no. This should be mentioned in the FAQ and in the docs.. I didn't
> find answer to this question.
Yes, it is a frequent query so it should be in there. We'll add it whilst
documentation updating...
> Thanks for your help! Xen 2 looks very good.
Full release Real Soon Now (TM)!
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