Re: [Xen-devel] xen cd 2.0 (pre)
>As I understand it, the are tools to make an ISO for the
>not-yet-released 2.0
>of xen, and these build.tar.gzs are easily ftp'd from the xen site and
>more or less
>easily built given the fact that you have a running linux system, right?
>I'd like to ask why those pre-2.0 iso's aren't there when the 1.2 ones are.
>The web page has docs talking about the 2.0 cd, but the cd itself seems far
>harder to get by than needed.
Mark Williamson has been putting together a 2.0 CD. We're really just
waiting for the final 2.0 release before putting it up there - most
folks using the current almost-but-not-quite-done 2.0 beta we expect
to be able to pull the bk repo, or the tar balls and, as you say, put
together a CD themselves is they want to - the only real issue is fitting
enough of an install to be useful, but since 2.0 can just 'drop in' on
a regular filesystem with all the standard rc scripts, the bootable CD
will probably be deprecated as a standard way of doing an install.