Re: [Xen-devel] time jumping back and forth
> I'm running a 2.0 snapshot from sept 11 with, and the system
> time is jumping back and forth in a domain -- partly it is
> synchronized with Dom0's time (which is set via ntpd), but then it
> jumps ahead, and then back again, as seen in these consecutive lines
> from syslog:
> Sep 17 09:22:39 [...]
> Sep 17 10:34:24 [...]
> Sep 17 09:23:40 [...]
> 9:22/9:23 is the correct time. I've got the impression (but have not
> analyzed it systematically) that a few minutes after boot, everything
> turns normal.
Very odd.
Presumably you're running your un-priv domains with
/proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock set to the default of 0?
In this event, any attempt to set or adjust the wall clock time
in an unpriv domain should be ignored: it should remain slaved to
dom0's wall clock time, which will either be free running from
the hardware RTC, or synchronised via NTP if you're running ntpd.
This certainly all seemed to work fine for 2.4.
Are you 100% sure you haven't got ntpdate running in your startup
scripts or crontab? It should be ignored, but its possible that
the port from 2.4 to 2.6 wasn't quite right.
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