Re: [Xen-devel] Xen 2.0 beta
>On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 14:35, Steven Hand wrote:
>> >I just picked up the latest xen-2.0.bk bits, built and installed them on
>> >a machine that's been running an older version of xen and linux for a
>> >while. Now nothing works. Never mind xen, linux barely works. Every
>> >other command core dumps. This must be something simple... probably
>> >related to changing from 2.4 to 2.6 kernel??
>> What filesystem (distro) are you using? There are some issues with
>> TLS in more recent versions of FC (e.g FC3 test series) -- try booting
>> with 'nosegfixup' or move /lib/tls/ out of the way.
>I moved /lib/tls, and everything works now, thanks!
>I guess it was one of those "issues".
>(BTW, running RH9.0)
Hmm interesting... we've not had problems with rh9 before (or certainly
not problems of this severity). For interest, can you let us know the
versions of the libraries you have in /lib/tls (e.g. libc-2.3.x, etc)?