Re: [Xen-devel] kernel panic (04 Sep 08)
Interesting crash. It looks like X caused a kernel oops during shutdown.
did you happen to capture X's log? On my system it gets saved in
/var/log/Xorg.0.log. I remounted that filesystem with the "sync" option to
ensure that the logs got sync'd to disk as best possible.
mount -oremount,sync / (or /var if you have that separate).
-- Gerald
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 12:59:12AM +0900, Daisaku Watanabe wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> Oh, wait,
> seems this kernel panic I have here might be coming
> from the X (or agpgart) issue on Intel chipsets
> that Gerald Britton reported recently.
> (I'm using i915G, and this kernel panic is caused
> right after startx or display manager (gdm my case) started.
> If I don't touch X, xen keeps working fine).
> I thought the logs might help to see what's happening.
> Sorry if I'm confused.
> Best regards,
> D
> On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 02:25:24 +0100
> Ian Pratt <Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> (snip)
> > If you're working on the unstable tree, it's always good practice
> > to rebuild xen and the tools too. Use 'make dist' (and then
> > install all the images)
> >
> > We only maintain interface compatibility in the stable series.
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