> And I was going to post some more questions about it today because I'm
> not able to get the domain to recognize the exported LVs. (Is there a
> xen-users list or something so I don't have to bog up the -dev list
> with noob user questions? Or are those just as well posted here
> anyway?)
Here's fine. I think it might be time to split off a xen-users
when 2.0 comes out.
> I've currently created LVs with LVM2 for swap and root for the new
> domain and changed the xmdefaults file to point to these partitions:
> disk = [ 'phy:/dev/vg_pool/lv_vm0%d_swap,hda1,w' % (vmid),
> 'phy:/dev/vg_pool/lv_vm0%d_root,hda2,w' % (vmid) ]
That's exactly what I'd do, and would expect it to work, though
haven't tested it.
What do you get if you do 'sfdisk -s /dev/vg_pool/lv_vm01_root' ?
> I haven't gone back and simply fdisk'ed the drive to try to export
> "normal" partitions to the new domain; I've kind of picked a "hard" way
> to do it right off the bat I guess. I'm hoping I just have the syntax
> wrong. (Is there another type than "phy" ?) I dug through the python
> for "xm" but didn't see anything that screamed out at any "right" way
> to do it.
The 'phy:' syntax is a legacy of 1.2
xend should print out a line something like the following,
providing the debug hasn't been quietened down too much:
blkif_dev_create> 35 2049 w {'device': 774, 'type': 'Disk', 'start_sector':
0L, 'nr_sectors': 37881206L}
Please can you post me this output and I'll take a look. I don't
really want to have to install lvm myself to debug this...
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