Re: [Xen-devel] Another OOPS while creating domains
> DHCP seems to work fine if you have the DHCP server set up
> properly.
> What's happening here is that the kernel isn't getting replies,
> and in desperation decides to blip the interface down and then up
> and try again.
> The rapid interface up/down trips a race condition, in the
> frontend driver, which causes it to explode, but you were going
> to die anyway as you weren't getting a DHCP reply. We just
> sped up your reboot cycle ;-)
> Shouldn't be too hard to fix (shutdown just needs to wait for
> outstanding buffers to be returned.)
Turned out teh problem was somewhat messier than it first appeared,
but I've checked in a cleanup of the network driver so that closing
and reopening it will now not crash the virtual machine. :-)
That means the DHCP problem should be gone.
-- Keir
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