Re: [Xen-devel] QLogic Fibre Channel HBA Support
We now run device drivers unmodified with privileged guest OSes. If
you use the unstable tree you would now compile all your drivers into
the DOM0 kernel (including the standard qlogic driver), and you can
then export chunks of disc space to other domains cia a
high-performance shared-memory interface.
-- Keir
> Hey Folks,
> Still hunting for better alternatives vs. NFS roots -- does anyone know
> what I'd need to do to get the driver for QLogic fibre HBA's working, so
> I can host VBD's from a SAN?
> Steve
> --
> Stephen G. Traugott (KG6HDQ)
> UNIX/Linux Infrastructure Architect, TerraLuna LLC
> stevegt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.stevegt.com -- http://Infrastructures.Org
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