Re: [Xen-devel] Xen-Unstable : strange power cycling problem
> Hi,
> Today I tried Xen Unstable again, using latest version
> from bk repository.
> Xend starts without any problem and I was able to
> start the new domain easily. I can ssh to new domain
> and everything works as expected. That's great!
> But if I do a ssh (or try any sort of network
> connection) to domain0, it just power cycles the
> machine. I am able to ssh to other machines though.
> Seems something strange happening in network
> virtualization..
Do you get any error messages or a crash dump, or does the machine
simply spontaneously reboot? When you say you can ssh to other
machines, do you mean that you can make outgoing connections from
dom0, or that you can connect to other domains you have started, or
something else?
-- Keir
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