I am looking at xeno-1.2-install.tgz from download URL.
The tar file wrt to ./install, so
do I copy the files to respective dirs in the underlying system?
Also, the same defaults file problem is visible: (I have / on /dev/hda1
and swap /dev/hda2):
vbd_list = [ ('phy:sda%d'%(7+vnid),'sda1','w'), ('phy:sda6','sda6','r') ]
cmdline_root = "root=/dev/sda1 ro"
cmdline_extra = "4 VMID=%d usr=/dev/sda6"%vmid
/dev/sda sounds like SCSI, so how to replace it by IDE. Is there
some other trick to create other domains??
On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Keir Fraser wrote:
> > xen.gz and xenolinux.gz from keir's URL
> > xc/defaults and xc_* tools from xeno-1.2-CD
> >
> > I understand they have to match but how to make them match/work
> > is what I asked..
> >
> > -ishwar
> You obtain a matching set by building and installing your own Xen,
> Xenolinux, and tools from the source repository on
> xen.bkbits.net. Alternatively a pre-built tarball is available from
> our web pages. This is all documented in the 'Downloads' section of
> http://xen.sf.net
> -- Keir
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