Re: [Xen-devel] multicast?
> I trying to use udpcast in Domain 0 without any luck.
> I built a xenolinux-2.4.25 with CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST=y
> but do not see any multicast packets get in or out.
> Anyone know if multicast ought to work? Or is this a TODO item?
I'm afraid multicast hasn't been a big priority for us. This is
certainly something to bear in mind for the new IO world....
However, there are a couple of hacks that might work.
If you can find out what mcast IP address is being used, you
could try using xc_dom_control to add that address to the domain.
Alternatively, try building the xeno-1.3vnet.bk repository. This
can be (build time) configured to provide L2 switching rather
than L3 routing. I think mcast might 'just work' in this
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