Re: [Xen-devel] The Problem of Creating a domain
> I have editted the /etc/fstab like this
> /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
> none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0
> 0
> /dev/hda5 /domain ext3 defaults 1 2
> none /proc proc defaults 0
> 0
> none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0
> 0
> /dev/hda2 /work ext3 defaults 1 2
> /dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
> but when I created a new domain, some errors still occurred in filesystem
> checking as below
> [1] Checking filesystems
> [1] fsck.ext3Possibly non-existent or swap device?
> [1] Possibly non-existent or swap device?
> [1] Checking all file systems.
> [1] [/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /domain] fsck.ext3 -a /dev/hda5
> [1] [/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /work] fsck.ext3 -a /dev/hda2
> [1] : No such device or address while trying to open /dev/hda5
> [1] fsck.ext3: No such device or address while trying to open /dev/hda2
> [1] [FAILED]
> [1]
> [1] *** An error occurred during the file system check.
> [1] *** Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot
> [1] *** when you leave the shell.
> [1] Give root password for maintenance
> I think may be there are some errors in /etc/fstab but I could not find it
The above error message means "there is no device called /dev/hda5".
This means that you have not exported it as a vbd to this domain.
The vbd exports and the /etc/fstab for every domain (except 0) need
to be "in sync".
> another dumb problem:
> my vbd_list is set like this
> vbd_list = [ ('phy:hda5','hda5','w' ), ('phy:hda3','hda3','w') ]
> but it shows the error message as below
> Warning: one or more hard disk extents are
> writeable by two or more domains simultaneously.
> ERROR: This kind of disk sharing is not allowed
> at the current safety level (0).
My guess is that you have either hda5 or hda3 (or both) mounted
read-write in domain 0. If the tool let you proceed, you would
end up moulinexing the partitions (you cannot allow two domains
to mount the same partition read-write as they will make independent
and inconsistent updates).
To fix this, unmout (or remount read-only) /dev/hda5 and/or /dev/hda3
> and then I changed the vbd_list as
> vbd_list = [ ('phy:hda1','hda1','w' ), ('phy:hda3','hda3','w') ]
> It could continue the domain booting sequence
Well this would cause the problem you observed above: you have now
not exported hda5 to the new domain, and so when it tries to access
it it discovers that it is not there.
> Why I can't use /dev/hda5 as the vbd_list?
This is not a sane question -- if you mean why can you not have
hda5 in the vbd_list, the answer is almost certainly as explained
> Is there any clear document that descirbe how to install Xen from
> xeno-1.2.tar.gz step by step?
There are a number of howtos as mentioned in Ian's last message:
Jans' excellent Xen FAQ:
Bin Ren's HOWTO:
Yan-Ching's HOWTO:
Xen for Grid by Greg Newby:
However I do not think any of these go into sufficient detail for you.
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