Re: [Xen-devel] NetBSD port and a couple of remarks
> I have made a NetBSD-current kernel which boots on Xen. It still has some
> problems but it's good enough to boot multi-user and allows logins.
Good job! It's really good to hear that another OS is up and
running on Xen.
Out of interest, how many man hours do you think it took you? I'm
very impressed you managed to figure the Xen i/f out on your own
without any help from Keir and the rest of us.
> While working on this, I noticed a few problems and I'm wondering if these
> are corrected in Xen versions >1.1:
There's been a few fixes and improvements for the hypervisor i/f
in the 1.2 tree, but I don't think it will take long to forward
port NetBSD.
We'll investigate your specific bug reports.
> I hope to commit this to the NetBSD tree eventually. Or I'll make patches
> available after some cleaning up.
Great! We'd be very pleased to put the patches in the xen
distribution in the meantime, as soon as you're ready.
> Finally, if someone could get me a xen-1.2 and/or xen-unstable tree out of
> bitkeeper, that would be much appreciated.
There's a pretty recent src/binary tar ball in:
It's still in the form of a BK repository, but all of the files
are checked out.
BTW: I offered to buy dinner for anyone that did an OS port. I
hope you'll take me up on that offer...
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