Re: FW: [Xen-devel] questions about production use
On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 03:58:29PM -0000, Williamson, Mark A wrote:
> > Sort of like LVM but run by Xen? Tha sounds very interesting.
> Yes, it is rather like LVM. The user space virtual disk tools manage
> allocation of disk extents and keep track of which extents belong to
> which virtual disks. Then when you create the Virtual Block Device that
> domains will use to access that virtual disk, Xen does all the address
> translation, so it just appears like another other Xen block device to
> the guest OS.
That sounds nice and efficient and extensible.
I'm a little concerned about keeping lots of data in a potentially
non-standard disk format. I just hope its less troublesome than LVM
which always seems to be losing its metadata and hence all the data on
the disks!
> >> [me talking about the free pool]
> >
> > That sounds like just the job. We'd also want to be able to access
> > all the virtual disks from Domain0 for administrative purposes (backup
> > / transfer to a new host etc) but I guess that is possible.
> Xen 1.2 and above have "automatic plumbing" of virtual block devices:
> you create a virtual block device for a domain and it "just knows" that
> it's there, a bit like hot plugging. You can use this to add a virtual
> disk to a device node in dom0, do stuff with it, then remove it from
> dom0 again.
> However, it is not safe to have two writers to one filesystem
Sure. We'd either use it for migration in which case domX would be
stopped, or for a hot backup in which case it wouldn't but it would be
read only (no this isn't an ideal way to take a backup but its better
than nothing!).
> >> [me talking about re-exporting devices from dom0]
> >
> > Excellent!
> >
> > How much of this and the above is implemented now? Should I be
> > checking out Xen 1.2 and reading the docs?
> Virtual Disks are in the 1.2 and unstable trees right now.
> There was an implementation of virtual disks in versions 1.0 and 1.1
> but the rewrite adds support for the new Python-based toolchain and
> some new features. AFAIK nobody has used the new VD tools "in
> anger" yet but it's been working pretty solidly in testing.
I'll see whether I can blow them up then ;-)
> At some stage after we've got 1.2 released (which will be soon) I'll
> be adding some more whizzy features to the unstable tree but these
> would probably be backwards compatible with 1.2.
> The virtual disk howto is now slightly out of date but I will be
> updating it presently. If you get stuck, there's always interactive
> help on the mailing list ;-) - I can feed back any discussions we have
> to make the docs better.
> The ability to re-export devices from one domain that just appear like
> an ordinary Xen block device to another domain is still at the design
> stage, as yet. However, this is fairly high on the priority list at the
> moment...
This would be a useful feature for us and it would alleviate the
potential pain of having data stored in non-standard disk formats.
Howewever I can see the virtual disk space would be faster.
Thanks for your help!
Nick Craig-Wood
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