Re: [Xen-devel] Different esps
On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 12:11, Jacob Gorm Hansen wrote:
> execution_context_t ctxt;
> memcpy(&ctxt, get_execution_context(),sizeof(execution_context_t));
> printk("esp1 %08lx %08lx\n",ctxt.esp, current->thread.esp1);
Just to add a little more info;
my problem seems to be that the value of ctxt.esp from read from inside
Xen differs from what I set at domain creation time, and the value I get
from reading the esp from within the domain, by about 0x4000 bytes
I have tried setting the value of esp1 with the stack_switch hypercall,
but apparently this is not the one causing the Xen page fault.
best regards,
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