On 24 Nov 2003, at 17:25, Jaswinder S. Ahluwalia wrote:
The reason I set the IP addresses as such is because I must be able to
into the other domains (all domains > 0) remotely. Will I still be
able to
if I do them as you have suggested?
What do you mean by remotely? From another real
computer on the LAN?
Both 169.254.X.X and 192.168.X.X are private IP
addresses. If you want to access these IP addresses
from outside, you have to set up NAT rules in the gateway.
Your Domain0 has a real physical network interface
which is connected to the local network with IP address
A.B.C.D and you use as the IP address
for Domain0 virtual network interface.
Newly created domain 1 has as the IP
address for virtual network interface, and
as gateway.
Now, you want to visit domain1 from another real
physical computer on LAN, whose IP address is
Then, you must insert NAT rules in Domain0. As
a result, when A.B.C.E connects to A.B.C.D, port
9991, Domain0 forwards the packet to domain1
In short, there is no difference between using
169.254.1.x and 192.168.1.x, but our current
'xen_nat_enable' hard codes 169.254.1.x,
so it's more convenient to follow suit.
You can find further online information on NAT.
-- Bin
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