Re: [Xen-devel] problem with booting
You can stop Xen rebooting on error conditions by specifying
'noreboot' on the command line.
Your failure is due to one of two possibilities:
1. You do not have enough memory configured to boot Xenolinux with
128MB RAM (perhaps Xen couldn't find all your RAM for some reason?)
2. Your xenolinux.gz file isn't a valid xenolinux file.
I suspect that latter is more likely. You could find which error is
occurring by adding a printk() message to each error return path in
setup_guestos() in xen/common/domain.c. I should really check some
better error messages ibnto the tree :-)
-- Keir
> There is 256MB of physical RAM in the machine.
> Here is the GRUB entry:
> title Xen / Xenolinux 2.4.22
> kernel /xen.gz dom0_mem=131072 ser_baud=115200 noht
> module /xenolinux.gz root=/dev/sda4 ro console=tty0
> We have also tried using hda0 and hda1 instead of sda4 as we weren't sure
> what that meant.
> The last few lines of the error message are:
> megaraid: v1.18d (release date: Wed Aug 7 18:51:51 EDT 2002)
> megaraid: no BIOS enabled
> device eth0 opened and ready for use
> Could not set up dom0 guest OS
> Aieee! CPU0 is toast.
> Please let us know if you need more of the error message, and thanks again
> for your help. Also, if you need more of the error message, is there any way
> to keep it from rebooting after only 5 seconds? It is difficult to copy a
> lot down in that small window.
> Dave Berlin
> Jefferson Ng
> Jeremy Chiu
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