>I've done what you said but changed the command to the following:
>xen_read_console > console.txt &.
Ok -- although the log appended seems truncated for some reason.
>I really didn't understand what you meant by "via chroot or booting
>explicitly as root." I just ran the ckconfig command as root, which is
>probably not what you meant.
Each virtual machine needs its own root filesystem which it'll mount
when it starts up. I was assuming initially you were running xen and
xenolinux from the hard-disk and hence that you had multiple partitions
each with a seaparate root filesystem for each domain (it's also possible
to do nfs root via domain 0, or -- as in your case -- to have a ram
disk for the mutable part of root and share the rest read-only from cd).
Am I right in assuming that you're just booting from the demo cd?
>The output to both are attached. As you can see, sshd is never started in
>the new domain. Let me know what you think I can do to get sshd running on
>the other domains.
Ok - looking at the boot log below it seems you're never getting to start
sshd because you're failing to happily mount the remainder of the 'root'
files from CD....
>[1] Partition check:
>[1] hda:
>[1] Skipping partition check on cdrom /dev/hdb
>[1] Skipping partition check on cdrom /dev/hdc
So this suggests that you have a removable or unformatted ide disk in
/dev/hda, and two cdroms on /dev/hdb and /dev/hdc, one of which contains
the demo cd.
>[1] Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hda... FIXME: support multisession CDs =
>[1] isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=3D03:00, iso_blknum=3D16, =
>[1] mount failed - not found
>[1] Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hdb... FIXME: support multisession CDs =
>[1] isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=3D03:40, iso_blknum=3D16, =
>[1] mount failed - not found
>[1] Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hdc... FIXME: support multisession CDs =
>[1] isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=3D16:00, iso_blknum=3D16, =
>[1] mount failed - not found
This shows that the demo CD startup script is failing to find the drive
with the CD in it (it tries 'likely' devices to see if it can locate it).
Very odd as it seems to work for domain 0. The multisession CD thing
is harmless I believe; just a small part of the CD functionality we
didn't bother supporting in xen 1.0.
Do you see these same error messages when booting initially (i.e. from
the console output of domain 0)? In fact, can you capture the xen and
domain 0 logs (using a serial line) and send them along with an
untruncated log of domain 1?
>[1] Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hdd... FIXME: support multisession CDs =
>[1] isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=3D16:40, iso_blknum=3D16, =
>[1] mount failed - not found
>//find-cd: /proc/scsi/scsi: No such file or directory
>[1] Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hda... FIXME: support multisession CDs =
>[1] isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=3D03:00, iso_blknum=3D16, =
>[1] mount failed - not found
>[1] Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hdb... FIXME: support multisession CDs =
>[1] isofs_read_super: bre
This appears to be truncated here... did you kill domain 1? Or did you
just cp the log file 'after a while'?
Another obvious thing to try is to boot from disk rather than CD and
see if that all works happily -- see the installation instructions in
the file README.CD.