Re: [Xen-devel] illegal page update with latest xen-unstable
> On a different tangent, I also get a fatal error getting CPU performance
> counters over the serial link with the unstable tree:
Yes, those hey handlers are specific to P6, and actually crash P4 :-(
We're only really interested in P4 perf counters (they're much more
useful than the P6 ones), so I've now removed those key handlers
from the development tree.
There's a program called xen_cpuperf in tools/misc. This allows
access to P4 performance counters --- unfortunately the program isn't
yet documented, and is in fact still under development :-(
-- Keir
PS. Your other bug (with the illegal page update request) is I'm sure
now fixed in the development tree. It would be very useful if you
could confirm that this is the case. Thanks!
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