sorry for not answering sooner, i've had a busy time..
the current semistable tree works fine, though i can't verify if they
disappeared because of code changes, or because i replaced the duron 700
with a p4 2.4ghz.
the mouse problem was my own stupidity, i really had an usb mouse
on that machine, and didn't check. sorry for the sloppy bug report.
devfs is deprecated in 2.6 anyway, so i won't experiment with those
compile options anymore.
i'm still finding some other rough edges here and there, for example
xen_readlog(sp?) stops working for me after creating and destroying a
few domains.. no crashes so far though.
another thing i remember to be irritating is that shutdown -h now in
dom0 reboots the machine instead of halting it, i'm not sure if that's
true for the current tree.
also i'd like to make a pre-announcement:
soniq networks is going to develop and maintain a debian based xen
distribution, called xenian. i'm working on it right now, but as we're
busy with our new office, waiting for our leased line, and so on,
a beta release before november is improbable.
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