RE: [Xen-cim] Cmpilify odd behavior
Jim -
It turns out the odd behavior was simple to fix - all I needed was a
reinstall of the providers and a restart of the CIMOM a few times. I
must have had an old copy of the library in memory.
In other news, the scripts you emailed me work with minimal tweaks using
the xm-test ramdisk. I should have a patch next week to incorporate a
very basic intrinsic script with the xm-test ramdisk set up. Once we
know that works we can just keep building on it with future patches.
-----Original Message-----
Szymanski, Lukasz K wrote:
> Has anyone ever seen this, when looking at Xen_Memory through YAWN?
> [1166059840] dlSharedLibraryLoader::loadSharedLibrary dlopen returned
> NULL. Error is: /usr/local/lib/cmpi/libXen_Memory.so: undefined
> symbol: CMPILIFYInstance_cleanup
That symbol should be in libXen_ProviderCommon.so. Use "ldd
libXen_Memory.so" to see which libXen_ProviderCommon.so it is using.
Maybe you have 2 installed and libXen_Memory.so is using the
pre-cmpilify one. E.g on one of my test machines
klutina:/usr/local/lib64/cmpi # ldd libXen_Memory.so
libXen_ProviderCommon.so.1 =>
/usr/local/lib64//cmpi/libXen_ProviderCommon.so.1 (0x00002b4a867c7000)
libxenapi.so.1.0 => /usr/lib64/libxenapi.so.1.0
You can use nm to see contents of an object, e.g.
klutina:/usr/local/lib64/cmpi # nm libXen_ProviderCommon.so | grep
0000000000006837 T CMPILIFYInstance_cleanup
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