Re: [XenARM] Questions about XENARM
Hi Sang,
Thanks for your reply. The multiple VMs solution is very useful for
lower CPU and memory boards, but it needs to change Xen vanila
PV-Linux's architecture, as ARM A15 coming up,will the multiple VMs be
popular in future?
josh zhao
2011/10/9, 서상범 <sbuk.suh@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi Josh,
> I have merged Xen ARM hypervisor using ARM v7 core only while I have
> prepared the archieved Xen ARM hypervisor for older ARM core after careful
> thoughts on performance issues and ARM multicore support architecture.
> I will maintain Xen hypervisor dependent on ARM CPU architecture in
> particular and will encourage submissions.
> I will address this for more detauil at Xen Summit Asia 2, 3 Nomvember 2011
> in Seoul Korea.
> Regarding hypercalls syntax have been common to both Xen ARM and Xen
> mainline though the previous Xen ARM has more hypercalls for light weight
> access control within Xen ARM before the merging and has more semantics in
> hypercalls.
> As for PV Linux, the patch on top of vanila Linux has been available but it
> is for Xen ARM version before the merge.
> Due to efficiency and lowest CPU and memory overheads of the existing Xen
> ARM version before the merge with Xen mainline, compared to other solutions
> supporting multiple VMs such as VMWare mobile and Ok labs L4 micro kernel
> based one, the patch for PV Lunux on Xen ARM merged with Xen mainline is
> required to be developed.
> Thank you,
> Sang bum Suh
> ---원본 메시지---
> 발신인 : Josh Zhao
> 발신일자 : 2011/10/09 10:03 (GMT+09:00)
> Hi All,
> I am new to XenARM and have 3 questions about this project:
> 1) Is this project merged into xen's mainline? How other guys contribute
> codes for it?
> 2) Is there a hypervisor API doc for guest OS?
> 3) I couldn't find PV-Linux for XenARM on wiki, am wondering whether there
> is a entire tarball including hypervisor, Guest-Linux and guest OS.
> Thanks
> josh zhao
> [image]
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