Please send it via public xen-arm mailing list in order to share
problems you experienced.
I also have experienced the problem, and I also think that the problem
is from the python building...
so, I have changed the code in somewhere performs sqrt in order not to use sqrt.
Instead, I have calculated it in my desktop pc, and put the result in
the python code, directly.
I don't ensure that it affects any negative impact after modification,
but in my case, it worked fine.
hope to be helpful.
2010/2/26 Comson <comson@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Mr. Yoo,
> Thanks for your previous help. I have the Xen-ARM Linux system built and ran
> on the iMX21ADS board. However, when I tried to start the Xen daemon, "Xend
> start", it is giving me the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/local/xen-tools/sbin/xend", line 33, in ?
> from xen.xend.server import SrvDaemon
> File "/usr/lib/python/xen/xend/server/", line 24, in ?
> from xen.xend.XendLogging import log
> File "/usr/lib/python/xen/xend/", line 20, in ?
> import tempfile
> File
> "/home/xenarm/xen-unstable.hg/tools/arm_python/cross_compiled//lib/python2.4/",
> line 33, in ?
> File
> "/home/xenarm/xen-unstable.hg/tools/arm_python/cross_compiled//lib/python2.4/",
> line 56, in ?
> ValueError: math domain error
> After some testing, I figured out that the problem was caused by Python not
> supporting floating point calculation and the error message was produced
> when running the math.sqrt() function in Python. I started the Python
> interpreter environment on the board and performed a floating point
> calculation to confirm my suspicion, 1.1+2.9, it returned
> -3.142977221412546e-07, which clearly was incorrect. The interpreter was
> able to do integer math correctly. Do you know what might have caused Python
> interpreter to act in such strange way?
> Thank you for your time and help.
> Thanks,
> Comson
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