Re: Re: 答复: [XenARM] Release of Para-virt Linux,XenTools and Xen For ARM
Hi Sang-bum Suh,
I saw the updated document on the xen-arm wiki.
That together with your mail answers all my queries.
Thanks for the quick response.
2009/5/8 Sang-bum Suh <sbuk.suh@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> Regarding the problem with build, you can find the right build information
> with the updated guideline.
> You should download vanila Linux Kernel and then update it with
> Para-virt Linux files of the package at
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenARM.
> For more details, please refer to section 2.2.2. of the Secure Xen on ARM
> user's guide at the web page.
> As for questions 1 to 3,
> Ans to 1 => Bug fixed but no change in interfaces.
> Ans to 2 => I think so. There is no change in memory map between Xen on ARM
> version 1.0 and version 1.1.
> Please refer to page 16 of Secure Architecure and
> Implementation of Xen on the ARM 9 for mobile devices at
> the web page.
> Ans to 3 => Xen on ARM handles all interrupts and deliver them to guest OS
> through event channels.
> The architecture of Xen on ARM follows that of Xen x86
> generally except for specific functions unique to ARM CPU and the
> Xen on ARM associated Access Control.
> I apprecaite for the suggestion. I hope some time later a document like
> definitive guide to Xen on ARM hypervisor can be written.^^
> I hope the email answers your questions.
> Thank you for the interests.
> Sang-bum
> ------- Original Message -------
> Sender : jithu joseph<joseph.jithu@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date : 2009-05-08 15:54 (GMT+09:00)
> Title : Re: 答复: [XenARM] Release of Para-virt Linux,XenTools and Xen For ARM
> CPU Architecture
> Hi Mr Sang-bum Suh / fellow developers,
> Thanks very much for the release.
> I am trying to compile the new paravirtualized linux kernel included
> in the package release by you. (i was able to run the two mini-os
> guest on an arm target with your june 2008 release - and i am very
> eager to see two linux guests running)
> but i am getting the following problem :
> #pwd
> /home/jithu/hyper/new/xen-unstable.hg/linux-sparse
> #./do_compile.sh
> Makefile:279:
> /home/jithu/hyper/new/xen-unstable.hg/linux-sparse/scripts/Kbuild.include:
> No such file or directory
> make: *** No rule to make target
> `/home/jithu/hyper/new/xen-unstable.hg/linux-sparse/scripts/Kbuild.include'.
> Stop.
> Makefile:279:
> /home/jithu/hyper/new/xen-unstable.hg/linux-sparse/scripts/Kbuild.include:
> No such file or directory
> /home/jithu/hyper/new/xen-unstable.hg/linux-sparse/Makefile:279:
> /home/jithu/hyper/new/xen-unstable.hg/linux-sparse/scripts/Kbuild.include:
> No such file or directory.
> It looks like the MAKEFILE (line 279) is looking for
> "scripts/Kbuild.include", but there is no scripts folder itself in the
> kernel directory of the package.
> I have couple more of queries / suggessions :
> 1. I can see some source level changes in xen arm hypersor(VMM) code
> between this and the previous package (apart from new targets). It
> will be great if you can give a list of the major changes.
> specifically i want to know whether your june 08 releaed VMM will run
> this para virt linux guest.
> 2. Should we load the compiled para virt linux images to the same RAM
> adresses as we used to load mini-os.elf, in your initial release
> 3. Can some one clarify the interrupt handling mechanisms used in
> xen-arm, specifically :
> - are all the interrupts handled by the VMM, how are guests
> notified of the interrupts, etc.
> 4.Another suggession I am having is that we should come up with
> more documentation, so that new comers can easily follow the code.
> .specifically relating to Memory Managament / page tables / memory map
> - when guest runs / host runs etc, Interrupt handling / IO handling
> etc . I think this way this list will become more active.
> Thanks and Regards
> Jithu
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