FW: [XenARM] Release of xen-pxa270-qemu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kernel cross [mailto:crosskernel@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: mardi, 5. mai 2009 11:30
> To: ROSSIER Daniel
> Subject: Re: [XenARM] Release of xen-pxa270-qemu
> where does Xen jump into the dom0's start_kernel()?
Ok, right now only miniOS is used as dom0; the start_kernel_miniOS() function
located in minios/kernel.c
is called at the end of XEN's bootstrap. Actually, there is a first context
switch initiated by the XEN scheduler
which passes the control to the domain0 (see construct_dom0()).
I will upload a new release (1.1) which sets up the virtual memory layout
correctly since we have moved all XEN-related data (heap, frametable,
mach-to-phys table, etc.) at 0xff000000. I will also send a pdf which shows how
the memory layout looks like.
> thanks!!!
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