RE: [Xen-API] Which API for Xen performance metrics
> > but it seems a bit weird to be using RRD for performance counters.
> Yes, XCP and XenServer use RRD to capture performance metrics. The page
> you found above gives a decent explanation of how to capture
> performance metrics in XCP/XenServer.
Hmm, so I am working with the vm_rrd and the rrd_updates calls
(http://<server>/rrd_updates). My requirements are simple (I think) - just
get the CPU load for every active VM on the server every minute or so.
I just want the updates, not the entire rrd database in each call so I tried
to use the rrd_updates call.
But this call gives me data for ALL the vms, and interestingly only for the
first 7 VMs on the system (not all the 40 VMs on the system). There is no
way to specify data for a single VM in rrd_updates
TO get the data for the remaining VMs, I have to iterate through each VM and
call vm_rrd which gives me a dump of the entire database (highly
Cant I get rrd_update for each VM (or can I configure rrd_updates to give me
data for all the VMs instead of the first 6-7 VMs?)
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