[Xen-API] Re: [Xen-users] [Project Kronos] XAPI on Debian
Ah, I found the dom0 was using the RAM, so a "xm mem-set 0 512" has reduced the RAM it uses and I've managed to boot an iso.
The XAPI still doesnt seem to be working right with XenCenter though... the console hangs, VMs can't be imported etc. I wonder what is wrong :(
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 1:00 PM, msgbox450@xxxxxxxxx <msgbox450@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've now got XenCenter to connect to XAPI on Debian, I had to run "/etc/init.d/xapissl start" which has created the config files and enabled XenCenter to connect via SSL.
The problem I have now is that XenCenter 6 doesn't seem to actually do anything... it connects, synchronises, everything appears to work on the surface. However, it detects only 92mb of RAM is free on the host (which is a big lie) and therefore can't create any VMs, and trying to import an .xva it just sits there "preparing" forever.
I've tried creating /etc/xensource/xapi_version_override with a line containing 5.6.199 and then done "service xapi restart", but this doesn't seem to make any difference :(
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