Yes, sir. No joy.
On 5 Apr 2011 12:28, "Pasi Kärkkäinen" <
pasik@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 11:36:52AM +0100, Lars Seeliger wrote:
>> I sincerely hope someone is able to help me create a VSS snapshot. I'm
>> running XCP 1.0 and the VM in question in a German SBS 2003 with the
>> Citrix provider and tools from XS 5.6 FP1 installed. When attempting to
>> create a quiesced snapshot I always receive this error:
> Hey,
> Did you try with tools from XCP 1.0.0 ?
> -- Pasi
>> "Error: Snapshotting VM 'wabe-srv01'... - The quiesced-snapshot operation
>> failed for an unexpected reason"
>> We have this problem with every XS / XCP installation since XS 5.6 / XCP
>> 0.5. I've scoured the Citrix forums, where I've seen a few others have
>> exactly the same problem, but have been unable to resolve this issue.
>> So, I now maintain creating quiesced snapshots of my 2003 servers is
>> impossible. I challenge someone to prove me wrong!
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