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[Xen-API] [PATCH 13 of 17] Update ocamldoc

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 13 of 17] Update ocamldoc
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 16:57:56 +0000
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Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1294419412 0
# Node ID 14b65539326c2fbb5d91a5cefed4b058e6223e01
# Parent  06e031ca0bc2960d4f8bc0f37f2fc987d0b828c3
Update ocamldoc

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 06e031ca0bc2 -r 14b65539326c ocaml/license/fakev6.mli
--- a/ocaml/license/fakev6.mli
+++ b/ocaml/license/fakev6.mli
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
 (** An example implementation of a licensing service which always returns 
     licenses that never expire. *)
-(** Obtain a license *)
+(** Attempt to switch to a given edition. Returns a list of enabled features. 
 val apply_edition : string -> (string * string) list ->
        string * Features.feature list * (string * string) list
-(** Release the license *)
+(** Obtain a list of available editions *)
 val get_editions : unit -> (string * string * string * int) list
+(** Version of the daemon *)
 val get_version : unit -> string
 (** Close and re-open the log file *)
diff -r 06e031ca0bc2 -r 14b65539326c ocaml/license/v6client.mli
--- a/ocaml/license/v6client.mli
+++ b/ocaml/license/v6client.mli
@@ -11,13 +11,19 @@
  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-(** Client module to handle v6 licenses with the v6 licensing daemon.
- *  V6 licenses enable the features of Citrix Essentials for XenServer.
+ * Client module to interact with the licensing daemon [v6d].
+ * [v6d] controls which features are enabled for a given "edition".
  * @group Licensing
+(** Call the [apply_edition] function on the v6d *)
 val apply_edition : __context:Context.t -> string -> (string * string) list ->
        string * Features.feature list * (string * string) list
+(** Call the [get_editions] function on the v6d *)
 val get_editions : unit -> (string * string * string * int) list
+(** Call the [get_version] function on the v6d *)
 val get_version : unit -> string
diff -r 06e031ca0bc2 -r 14b65539326c ocaml/license/v6rpc.mli
--- a/ocaml/license/v6rpc.mli
+++ b/ocaml/license/v6rpc.mli
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-(** XML/RPC handler for the licensing daemon *)
+(** RPC definition of the licensing daemon *)
-(** The XML/RPC interface of the licensing daemon *)
+(** The RPC interface of the licensing daemon *)
 module type V6api =
                (* edition -> additional_params -> enabled_features, 
additional_params *)
@@ -27,38 +27,57 @@
                (* () -> version *)
                val reopen_logs : unit -> bool
-(** XML/RPC handler *)
+(** RPC handler module *)
 module V6process : functor (V : V6api) ->
-               (** Process an XML/RPC call *)
+               (** Process an RPC call *)
                val process : Rpc.call -> Rpc.response
 (** {2 Marshaling functions} *)
+(** Definition of [apply_edition] RPC *)
 type apply_edition_in = {
-       edition_in: string;
-       additional_in: (string * string) list;
+       edition_in: string; (** The requested edition *)
+       additional_in: (string * string) list; (** Additional parameters *)
+(** Convert RPC into {!apply_edition_in} structure *)
 val apply_edition_in_of_rpc : Rpc.t -> apply_edition_in
+(** Convert {!apply_edition_in} structure into RPC *)
 val rpc_of_apply_edition_in : apply_edition_in -> Rpc.t
+(** Return type of the [apply_edition] RPC *)
 type apply_edition_out = {
-       edition_out: string;
-       features_out: Features.feature list;
-       additional_out: (string * string) list;
+       edition_out: string; (** The edition that was applied *)
+       features_out: Features.feature list; (** The features that are now 
enabled *)
+       additional_out: (string * string) list; (** Additional parameters *)
+(** Convert RPC into {!apply_edition_out} structure *)
 val apply_edition_out_of_rpc : Rpc.t -> apply_edition_out
+(** Convert {!apply_edition_out} structure into RPC *)
 val rpc_of_apply_edition_out : apply_edition_out -> Rpc.t
+(** Format of the editions list returns by the [get_editions] RPC:
+    - Name of the edition;
+    - Long name of the edition;
+    - Abbreviation of the edition name;
+    - Edition order number.
+ *)
 type names = string * string * string * int
+(** Return type of the [get_editions] RPC *)
 type get_editions_out = {
-       editions: names list;
+       editions: names list; (** List of all available editions *)
+(** Convert RPC into {!get_editions_out} structure *)
 val get_editions_out_of_rpc : Rpc.t -> get_editions_out
+(** Convert {!get_editions_out} structure into RPC *)
 val rpc_of_get_editions_out : get_editions_out -> Rpc.t
diff -r 06e031ca0bc2 -r 14b65539326c ocaml/xapi/features.mli
--- a/ocaml/xapi/features.mli
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/features.mli
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
        | HA                           (** Enable High Availability (HA) *)
        | Marathon                     (** Currently not used *)
        | Email                        (** Enable email alerting *)
-       | Performance                  (** Currently not used? *)
+       | Performance                  (** Used by XenCenter to restrict the 
performance graphs *)
        | WLB                          (** Enable Workload Balancing (WLB) *)
        | RBAC                         (** Enable Role-Based Access Control 
(RBAC) *)
        | DMC                          (** Enable Dynamic Memory Control (DMC) 
@@ -38,7 +38,10 @@
        | No_nag_dialog                (** Used by XenCenter *)
        | VMPR                         (** Enable use of VM Protection and 
Recovery *)
+(** Convert RPC into {!feature}s *)
 val feature_of_rpc : Rpc.t -> feature
+(** Convert {!feature}s into RPC *)
 val rpc_of_feature : feature -> Rpc.t
 (** The list of all known features. *)

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