# HG changeset patch
# User Jonathan Knowles <jonathan.knowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1284454324 -3600
# Node ID 6dc5d5527c945619673374a3e8d3321a1e3feba6
# Parent 2c66f33e8c29f8e112e2b09c0092e22ecb40e95f
Rescues the indendation for several functions within the quicktest module.
Splits an often-modified list of tests into multiple lines, reducing the chance
that further patches will conflict with one another.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Knowles <jonathan.knowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 2c66f33e8c29 -r 6dc5d5527c94 ocaml/xapi/quicktest.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/quicktest.ml Tue Sep 14 09:47:40 2010 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/quicktest.ml Tue Sep 14 09:52:04 2010 +0100
@@ -651,49 +651,62 @@
else failed test "one or more scenarios failed"
let _ =
- let all_tests = [ "storage"; "vm-placement"; "vm-memory-constraints";
"encodings"; "http"; "event"; "vdi"; "async"; "import"; "powercycle";
"squeezing"; "lifecycle"; "vhd" ] in
- let default_tests = List.filter (fun x -> not(List.mem x [ "lifecycle";
"vhd" ])) all_tests in
+ let all_tests = [
+ "storage";
+ "vm-placement";
+ "vm-memory-constraints";
+ "encodings";
+ "http";
+ "event";
+ "vdi";
+ "async";
+ "import";
+ "powercycle";
+ "squeezing";
+ "lifecycle";
+ "vhd";
+ ] in
+ let default_tests = List.filter (fun x -> not(List.mem x [ "lifecycle";
"vhd" ])) all_tests in
- let tests_to_run = ref default_tests in (* default is everything *)
- Arg.parse
- [ "-single", Arg.String (fun x -> tests_to_run := [ x ]), Printf.sprintf
"Only run one test (possibilities are %s)" (String.concat ", " all_tests) ;
- "-all", Arg.Unit (fun () -> tests_to_run := all_tests),
Printf.sprintf "Run all tests (%s)" (String.concat ", " all_tests);
- "-nocolour", Arg.Clear Quicktest_common.use_colour, "Don't use colour in
the output" ]
- (fun x -> match !host, !username, !password with
- | "", _, _ -> host := x; rpc := rpc_remote; using_unix_domain_socket :=
- | _, "", _ -> username := x
- | _, _, "" -> password := x
- | _, _, _ -> Printf.fprintf stderr "Skipping unrecognised argument: %s" x)
- "Perform some quick functional tests. The default is to test localhost
over a Unix socket. For remote server supply <hostname> <username> and
<password> arguments.";
- if !host = "" then host := "localhost";
- if !username = "" then username := "root";
- let maybe_run_test name f =
- assert (List.mem name all_tests);
- if List.mem name !tests_to_run then f () in
+ let tests_to_run = ref default_tests in (* default is everything *)
+ Arg.parse [
+ "-single", Arg.String (fun x -> tests_to_run := [ x ]),
Printf.sprintf "Only run one test (possibilities are %s)" (String.concat ", "
all_tests) ;
+ "-all", Arg.Unit (fun () -> tests_to_run := all_tests),
Printf.sprintf "Run all tests (%s)" (String.concat ", " all_tests);
+ "-nocolour", Arg.Clear Quicktest_common.use_colour, "Don't use
colour in the output" ]
+ (fun x -> match !host, !username, !password with
+ | "", _, _ -> host := x; rpc := rpc_remote;
using_unix_domain_socket := false;
+ | _, "", _ -> username := x
+ | _, _, "" -> password := x
+ | _, _, _ -> Printf.fprintf stderr "Skipping
unrecognised argument: %s" x)
+ "Perform some quick functional tests. The default is to test
localhost over a Unix socket. For remote server supply <hostname> <username>
and <password> arguments.";
+ if !host = "" then host := "localhost";
+ if !username = "" then username := "root";
+ let maybe_run_test name f =
+ assert (List.mem name all_tests);
+ if List.mem name !tests_to_run then f () in
- Stunnel.init_stunnel_path ();
- let s = init_session !username !password in
- finally
- (fun () ->
- (try
- maybe_run_test "encodings"
- maybe_run_test "squeezing" squeeze_test;
- maybe_run_test "vm-memory-constraints"
- maybe_run_test "vm-placement"
- maybe_run_test "storage" (fun () -> Quicktest_storage.go s);
- maybe_run_test "http" Quicktest_http.run_from_within_quicktest;
- maybe_run_test "event" event_next_unblocking_test;
- maybe_run_test "vdi" (fun () -> vdi_test s);
- maybe_run_test "async" (fun () -> async_test s);
- maybe_run_test "import" (fun () -> import_export_test s);
- maybe_run_test "vhd" (fun () -> with_vm s test_vhd_locking_hook);
- maybe_run_test "powercycle" (fun () -> with_vm s vm_powercycle_test);
- maybe_run_test "lifecycle" (fun () -> with_vm s
- with
- | Api_errors.Server_error (a,b) ->
- output_string stderr (Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" a (String.concat ","
- | e ->
- output_string stderr (Printexc.to_string e))
- ) (fun () -> summarise ())
+ Stunnel.init_stunnel_path ();
+ let s = init_session !username !password in
+ finally
+ (fun () ->
+ (try
+ maybe_run_test "encodings"
+ maybe_run_test "squeezing" squeeze_test;
+ maybe_run_test "vm-memory-constraints"
+ maybe_run_test "vm-placement"
+ maybe_run_test "storage" (fun () ->
Quicktest_storage.go s);
+ maybe_run_test "http"
+ maybe_run_test "event"
+ maybe_run_test "vdi" (fun () -> vdi_test s);
+ maybe_run_test "async" (fun () -> async_test s);
+ maybe_run_test "import" (fun () ->
import_export_test s);
+ maybe_run_test "vhd" (fun () -> with_vm s
+ maybe_run_test "powercycle" (fun () -> with_vm
s vm_powercycle_test);
+ maybe_run_test "lifecycle" (fun () -> with_vm s
+ with
+ | Api_errors.Server_error (a,b) ->
+ output_string stderr (Printf.sprintf
"%s: %s" a (String.concat "," b));
+ | e ->
+ output_string stderr
(Printexc.to_string e))
+ ) (fun () -> summarise ())
1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
ocaml/xapi/quicktest.ml | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
Description: Text Data
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