# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Remove "dechainify VLAN" code from dbsync_slave
This is no longer needed, as the creation of VLANs-on-VLANs is not possible
anymore (for about two years), and this function therefore causes unnecessary
overhead in xapi's startup sequence. Removed an unused function from the same
module as well.
Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 7e09c13b96e7 ocaml/xapi/dbsync_slave.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/dbsync_slave.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/dbsync_slave.ml
@@ -31,14 +31,6 @@
let ( ** ) = Int64.mul
let ( // ) = Int64.div
-let trim_end s =
- let i = ref (String.length s - 1) in
- while !i > 0 && (List.mem s.[!i] [ ' '; '\t'; '\n'; '\r' ])
- do
- decr i
- done;
- if !i >= 0 then String.sub s 0 (!i + 1) else ""
(* create localhost record *)
let get_my_ip_addr() =
@@ -115,35 +107,6 @@
end else
Db.Host.remove_from_other_config ~__context ~self:host
-(* CA-25162: Dechainify VLANs. We're actually doing this for _all_
- * PIFs, not just those relevant to localhost. Mostly this will be
- * a no-op, and it shouldn't matter if we fix problems for other hosts
- * here, and it covers the case where we're a slave and the master has
- * broken vlans which need to be corrected before we try to replicate
- * them *)
-let fix_chained_vlans ~__context =
- let pifs = Db.PIF.get_all_records ~__context in
- let (vlan_pifs,underlying_pifs) = List.partition (fun (_,pifr) ->
pifr.API.pIF_VLAN >= 0L) pifs in
- List.iter (fun (vlan_pif_ref,vlan_pif_record) ->
- let pif_underneath_vlan = Helpers.get_pif_underneath_vlan ~__context
vlan_pif_ref in
- if not (List.exists (fun (pif_ref,_) -> pif_ref = pif_underneath_vlan)
underlying_pifs) then begin
- (* There's a problem - the underlying PIF of the vlan might be a vlan
itself (or might not exist)
- Find the real underlying PIF by matching the host and device *)
- try
- let (real_pif_ref,real_pif_rec) = List.find (fun (_,pif_rec) ->
- pif_rec.API.pIF_host = vlan_pif_record.API.pIF_host &&
- pif_rec.API.pIF_device = vlan_pif_record.API.pIF_device)
underlying_pifs in
- let vlan = Db.PIF.get_VLAN_master_of ~__context ~self:vlan_pif_ref in
- warn "Resetting tagged PIF of VLAN %s, previously was %s"
(Ref.string_of vlan) (Ref.string_of pif_underneath_vlan);
- Db.VLAN.set_tagged_PIF ~__context ~self:vlan ~value:real_pif_ref
- with _ ->
- (* Can't find an underlying PIF - delete the VLAN record. This is
pretty unlikely. *)
- error "Destroying dangling VLAN and associated PIF record - the
underlying device has disappeared";
- let vlan = Db.PIF.get_VLAN_master_of ~__context ~self:vlan_pif_ref in
- Db.VLAN.destroy ~__context ~self:vlan;
- Db.PIF.destroy ~__context ~self:vlan_pif_ref
- end) vlan_pifs
(*************** update database tools ******************)
let update_vms ~xal ~__context =
@@ -557,11 +520,6 @@
update_physical_networks ~__context;
- switched_sync Xapi_globs.sync_dechainify_vlans (fun () ->
- debug "dechainifying VLANs";
- fix_chained_vlans ~__context
- );
switched_sync Xapi_globs.sync_resynchronise_pif_currently_attached (fun () ->
debug "resynchronising PIF.currently_attached";
resynchronise_pif_currently_attached ~__context;
Description: Text document
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