ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml | 2 ++
ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml | 9 +++++----
2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
# HG changeset patch
# User Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1274449016 -3600
# Node ID 3678824a34447601d81a115c6e83b8e7b2b06c99
# Parent d14022d7376eae45eb056c5c9caa61eadb883358
CA-34933: do not gc sessions in running tasks
Signed-off-by: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r d14022d7376e -r 3678824a3444 ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
+++ b/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
@@ -2858,6 +2858,7 @@
field ~in_product_since:rel_george ~qualifier:DynamicRO
~default_value:(Some(VString(""))) ~ty:String "auth_user_sid" "the subject
identifier of the user that was externally authenticated. If a session instance
has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.";
field ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride
~qualifier:DynamicRO ~default_value:(Some(VString(""))) ~ty:String
"auth_user_name" "the subject name of the user that was externally
authenticated. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value
of this field is undefined.";
field ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride ~qualifier:StaticRO
~default_value:(Some(VSet [])) ~ty:(Set(String)) "rbac_permissions" "list with
all RBAC permissions for this session";
+ field ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride
~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Set(Ref _task)) "tasks" "list of tasks created using
the current session";
@@ -5951,6 +5952,7 @@
(* subtasks hierarchy *)
(_task, "subtask_of"), (_task, "subtasks");
+ (_task, "session"), (_session, "tasks");
(_pif, "bond_slave_of"), (_bond, "slaves");
(_bond, "master"), (_pif, "bond_master_of");
diff -r d14022d7376e -r 3678824a3444 ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml
@@ -203,10 +203,14 @@
let all_hosts = Db.Host.get_all ~__context in
List.iter check_host all_hosts
+let task_status_is_completed task_status =
+ (task_status=`success) || (task_status=`failure) ||
let timeout_sessions ~__context =
let all_sessions = Db.Session.get_internal_records_where ~__context
~expr:Db_filter_types.True in
let not_intrapool_sessions = List.filter (fun (_, y) -> not
y.Db_actions.session_pool) all_sessions in
- let disposable_sessions = not_intrapool_sessions in
+ let unused_sessions = List.filter (fun (_, y) -> List.for_all (fun t ->
task_status_is_completed (Db.Task.get_status ~__context ~self:t))
y.Db_actions.session_tasks) not_intrapool_sessions in
+ let disposable_sessions = unused_sessions in
(* Only keep a list of (ref, last_active, uuid) *)
let disposable_sessions = List.map (fun (x, y) -> x, Date.to_float
y.Db_actions.session_last_active, y.Db_actions.session_uuid)
disposable_sessions in
(* Definitely invalidate sessions last used long ago *)
@@ -236,9 +240,6 @@
let oldest_completed_time = Unix.time() -. Xapi_globs.completed_task_timeout
(* time out completed tasks after 65 minutes *) in
let oldest_pending_time = Unix.time() -. Xapi_globs.pending_task_timeout
(* time out pending tasks after 24 hours *) in
- let task_status_is_completed task_status =
- (task_status=`success) || (task_status=`failure) ||
(task_status=`cancelled) in
let should_delete_task (_, t) =
if task_status_is_completed t.Db_actions.task_status
then Date.to_float t.Db_actions.task_finished < oldest_completed_time
Description: Text Data
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