[Xen-API] Re: XCP / modify XCP Code ?
Hi Dave
I am trying to look into XCP to see if I can make change on the code to improve of some scnerio - but it looks like
not all codes are open - May I confirm this?
I observed that when a node is down - and if my software tried to do shutdown on VMs - it took 20 minutes for the api to return Exception - error CANNOT_CONTACT_HOST
for another call like disable_host - it takes 3 minutes to return error : CANNOT_CONTACT_HOST after the first error - it looks like the second calls - will faster with error -HOST_OFFLINE
May I ask info of Host down etc... stored on storage or memory of XCP ?
I look at the code and saw object call Db. --> what is this DB ? - is a local file or pool storage ?
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