[Xen-API] [PATCH 2 of 2] Remove Debian Etch template create. This templa
# HG changeset patch
# User Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1266933755 0
# Node ID edc7b05fe37c9730d6e6cb4d2839599501f184cb
# Parent c2451b90ad70f2756c93f00ddf23895e10033ac0
Remove Debian Etch template create. This template was never part of XCP
Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r c2451b90ad70 -r edc7b05fe37c ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml Tue Feb 23 14:02:35 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml Tue Feb 23 14:02:35 2010 +0000
@@ -246,35 +246,6 @@
-let debian_xgt_dir = "/opt/xensource/packages/xgt/"
-let post_install_dir = "/opt/xensource/packages/post-install-scripts/"
-let debian_xgt_template rpc session_id name_label short_name_label
debian_xgt_name post_install_script =
- let script = post_install_dir ^ post_install_script in
- let xgt = debian_xgt_dir ^ debian_xgt_name in
- let xgt_installed = try Unix.access xgt [ Unix.F_OK ]; true with _ -> false
- if not(xgt_installed)
- then debug "Skipping %s template because post install script is missing"
- else begin
- let root = { device = "0"; size = (4L ** gib); sr = preferred_sr; bootable
= true; _type = `system }
- and swap = { device = "1"; size = (512L ** mib); sr = preferred_sr;
bootable = false; _type = `system } in
- let (_: API.ref_VM) = find_or_create_template
- { (blank_template (default_memory_parameters 128L)) with
- vM_name_label = name_label;
- vM_name_description = Printf.sprintf "Clones of this template will
automatically provision their storage when first booted and install Debian %s.
The disk configuration is stored in the other_config field." short_name_label;
- vM_other_config =
- [
- disks_key, Xml.to_string (xml_of_disks [ root; swap ]);
- post_install_key, script;
- default_template;
- linux_template;
- install_methods_otherconfig_key, ""
- ]
- } rpc session_id in
- ()
- end
(** Makes a Windows template using the given memory parameters in MiB, root
size in GiB, and version string. *)
let windows_template ?(nx=false) ?cps memory root_disk_size version =
@@ -453,7 +424,3 @@
(* NB we now create the 'static' linux templates whether or not the 'linux
pack' is
installed because these only depend on eliloader, which is always
installed *)
List.iter (fun x -> ignore(find_or_create_template x rpc session_id))
- (* The remaining template-creation functions determine whether they have the
- necessary resources (ISOs, networks) or not: *)
- debian_xgt_template rpc session_id "Debian Etch 4.0" "Etch"
"debian-etch.xgt" "debian-etch";
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