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[Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-1623: Update Pool.join/eject

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-1623: Update Pool.join/eject
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 23:11:33 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
CA-1623: Update Pool.join/eject

Pool.join is now allowed when CPU features and vendor are identical, while 
other CPU details need not be the same.
Pool.eject clears all CPU feature masks.

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 4316f8ee23d5 ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.ml   Tue Feb 16 22:28:21 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.ml   Tue Feb 16 22:36:00 2010 +0000
@@ -155,31 +155,11 @@
        let assert_hosts_homogeneous () =
                let me = Helpers.get_localhost ~__context in
-               (* read local and remote cpu records *)
                let master_ref = get_master rpc session_id in
                let master = Client.Host.get_record ~rpc ~session_id 
~self:master_ref in
-               let master_cpu_recs = Client.Host_cpu.get_all_records_where 
~rpc ~session_id ~expr:"true" in
-               let master_cpus = List.map (fun cpu -> List.assoc cpu 
master_cpu_recs) master.API.host_host_CPUs in
-               let master_software_version = master.API.host_software_version 
-               let my_cpu_refs = Db.Host.get_host_CPUs ~__context ~self:me in
-               let my_cpus = List.map (fun cpu -> Db.Host_cpu.get_record 
~__context ~self:cpu) my_cpu_refs in
-               let my_software_version = Db.Host.get_software_version 
~__context ~self:me in
-               (* CA-29511 filter irrelevant CPU flags *)
-               let irrelevant_cpu_flags = [ "est" (* Enhanced Speed Step *) ] 
-               let cpu_flags_of_string x = Stringext.String.split_f 
Stringext.String.isspace x in
-               let string_of_cpu_flags x = String.concat " " x in
-               let filtered_cpu_flags x = string_of_cpu_flags (List.filter 
(fun x -> not (List.mem x irrelevant_cpu_flags)) (cpu_flags_of_string x)) in
-               let get_comparable_fields hcpu =
-                       let raw_flags = hcpu.API.host_cpu_flags in
-                       let filtered_flags = filtered_cpu_flags raw_flags in
-                       (hcpu.API.host_cpu_vendor, hcpu.API.host_cpu_model, 
hcpu.API.host_cpu_family, filtered_flags) in
-               let print_cpu_rec (vendor,model,family,flags) =
-                       debug "%s, %Ld, %Ld, %s" vendor model family flags in
+               (* Check software version *)
                let get_software_version_fields fields =
                        begin try List.assoc "product_version" fields with _ -> 
"" end,
                        begin try List.assoc "product_brand" fields with _ -> 
"" end,
@@ -190,31 +170,42 @@
                                else "not present"
                        with _ -> "not present" end
                let print_software_version (version,brand,number,id,linux_pack) 
                        debug "version:%s, brand:%s, build:%s, id:%s, 
linux_pack:%s" version brand number id linux_pack in
-               let my_cpus_compare = List.map get_comparable_fields my_cpus in
-               let master_cpus_compare = List.map get_comparable_fields 
master_cpus in
+               let master_software_version = master.API.host_software_version 
+               let my_software_version = Db.Host.get_software_version 
~__context ~self:me in
                let my_software_compare = get_software_version_fields 
my_software_version in
                let master_software_compare = get_software_version_fields 
master_software_version in
+               if my_software_compare <> master_software_compare then
+                       raise 
version differs"]));
                debug "Pool pre-join Software homogeneity check:";
                debug "Slave software:";
                print_software_version my_software_compare;
                debug "Master software:";
                print_software_version master_software_compare;
+               (* Check CPUs *)
+               let master_cpu_info = master.API.host_cpu_info in
+               let my_cpu_info = Db.Host.get_cpu_info ~__context ~self:me in
+               let get_comparable_fields cpu_info =
+                       List.assoc "vendor" cpu_info, List.assoc "features" 
cpu_info in
+               let my_cpus_compare = get_comparable_fields my_cpu_info in
+               let master_cpus_compare = get_comparable_fields master_cpu_info 
+               let print_cpu (vendor, features) = debug "%s, %s" vendor 
features in
                debug "Pool pre-join CPU homogeneity check:";
                debug "Slave cpus:";
-               List.iter print_cpu_rec my_cpus_compare;
+               print_cpu my_cpus_compare;
                debug "Master cpus:";
-               List.iter print_cpu_rec master_cpus_compare;
+               print_cpu master_cpus_compare;
-               if my_software_compare <> master_software_compare then
-                       raise 
version differs"]));
-               if not (Listext.List.set_equiv my_cpus_compare 
master_cpus_compare) then
+               if my_cpus_compare <> master_cpus_compare then
differ"])) in
        let assert_not_joining_myself () =
@@ -609,81 +600,84 @@
 (* This means eject me, since will have been forwarded from master  *)
 let eject ~__context ~host =
-  (* If HA is enabled then refuse *)
-  let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
-  if Db.Pool.get_ha_enabled ~__context ~self:pool
-  then raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.ha_is_enabled, []));
+       (* If HA is enabled then refuse *)
+       let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
+       if Db.Pool.get_ha_enabled ~__context ~self:pool
+       then raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.ha_is_enabled, []));
-  if Pool_role.is_master () then raise Cannot_eject_master
-  else
-    begin
-      (* Fail the operation if any VMs are running here (except control 
domains) *)
-      let my_vms_with_records = Db.VM.get_records_where ~__context 
~expr:(Eq(Field "resident_on", Literal (Ref.string_of host))) in
-      List.iter (fun (_, x) -> 
-                  if (not x.API.vM_is_control_domain) && 
-                  then begin
-                    error "VM uuid %s not in Halted state and resident_on this 
host" (x.API.vM_uuid);
-                    raise 
(Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.operation_not_allowed, ["VM resident on 
-                  end) my_vms_with_records;
+       if Pool_role.is_master () then raise Cannot_eject_master
+       else begin
+               (* Fail the operation if any VMs are running here (except 
control domains) *)
+               let my_vms_with_records = Db.VM.get_records_where ~__context 
~expr:(Eq(Field "resident_on", Literal (Ref.string_of host))) in
+               List.iter (fun (_, x) -> 
+                       if (not x.API.vM_is_control_domain) && 
+                       then begin
+                               error "VM uuid %s not in Halted state and 
resident_on this host" (x.API.vM_uuid);
+                               raise 
(Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.operation_not_allowed, ["VM resident on 
+                       end) my_vms_with_records;
-      debug "Pool.eject: unplugging PBDs";
-      (* unplug all my PBDs; will deliberately fail if any unplugs fail *)
-      unplug_pbds ~__context host;
+               debug "Pool.eject: unplugging PBDs";
+               (* unplug all my PBDs; will deliberately fail if any unplugs 
fail *)
+               unplug_pbds ~__context host;
-      debug "Pool.eject: disabling external authentication in 
-      (* disable the external authentication of this slave being ejected *)
-      (* this call will return an exception if something goes wrong *)
-      Xapi_host.disable_external_auth_common ~during_pool_eject:true 
~__context ~host 
-        ~config:[]; (* FIXME: in the future, we should send the windows AD 
admin/pass here *)
-                    (* in order to remove the slave from the AD database 
during pool-eject *)
+               debug "Pool.eject: disabling external authentication in 
+               (* disable the external authentication of this slave being 
ejected *)
+               (* this call will return an exception if something goes wrong *)
+               Xapi_host.disable_external_auth_common ~during_pool_eject:true 
~__context ~host 
+                       ~config:[];
+                       (* FIXME: in the future, we should send the windows AD 
admin/pass here *)
+                       (* in order to remove the slave from the AD database 
during pool-eject *)
-      debug "Pool.eject: deleting Host record (the point of no return)";
-      (* delete me from the database - this will in turn cause PBDs and PIFs 
to be GCed *)
-      Db.Host.destroy ~__context ~self:host;
+               debug "Pool.eject: deleting Host record (the point of no 
+               (* delete me from the database - this will in turn cause PBDs 
and PIFs to be GCed *)
+               Db.Host.destroy ~__context ~self:host;
-      (* and destroy my control domain, since you can't do this from the API 
[operation not allowed] *)
-      begin
-       try
-         let my_control_domain = List.find (fun x->x.API.vM_is_control_domain) 
(List.map snd my_vms_with_records) in
-         Db.VM.destroy ~__context ~self:(Db.VM.get_by_uuid ~__context 
-       with _ -> ()
-      end;
-      debug "Pool.eject: setting our role to be master";
-      Pool_role.set_role Pool_role.Master;
-      debug "Pool.eject: forgetting pool secret";
-      Unixext.unlink_safe Xapi_globs.pool_secret_path; (* forget current pool 
secret *)
-      (* delete backup databases and any temporary restore databases *)
-      Unixext.unlink_safe Xapi_globs.backup_db_xml;
-      Unixext.unlink_safe Xapi_globs.db_temporary_restore_path;
-      (* delete /local/ databases specified in the db.conf, so they get 
recreated on restart.
-        We must leave any remote database alone because these are owned by the 
pool and
-        not by this node. *)
-      (* get the slave backup lock so we know no more backups are going to be 
taken -- we keep this lock till the
-        bitter end, where we restart below ;)
-      *)
-      Mutex.lock Pool_db_backup.slave_backup_m;
-      finally
-       (fun () ->
-          let dbs = Parse_db_conf.parse_db_conf Xapi_globs.db_conf_path in
-          (* We need to delete all local dbs but leave remote ones alone *)
-          let local = List.filter (fun db -> not 
db.Parse_db_conf.is_on_remote_storage) dbs in
-          List.iter Unixext.unlink_safe (List.map (fun 
db->db.Parse_db_conf.path) local);
-          List.iter Unixext.unlink_safe (List.map Generation.gen_count_file 
-          (* remove any shared databases from my db.conf *)
-          (* XXX: on OEM edition the db.conf is rebuilt on every boot *)
-          Parse_db_conf.write_db_conf local;
-          (* Forget anything we know about configured remote databases: this 
-             any initscript reminding us about them after reboot *)
-          Helpers.log_exn_continue
-            (Printf.sprintf "Moving remote database file to backup: %s"
-               Xapi_globs.remote_db_conf_fragment_path)
-            (fun () ->
-               Unix.rename 
-                 Xapi_globs.remote_db_conf_fragment_path
-                 (Xapi_globs.remote_db_conf_fragment_path ^ ".bak")) ()
-       )
-       (fun () -> Xapi_fuse.light_fuse_and_reboot_after_eject())
-    end
+               debug "Reset CPU features";
+               (* Clear the CPU feature masks from the Xen command line *)
+               ignore (Xen_cmdline.delete_cpuid_masks
+                       ["cpuid_mask_ecx"; "cpuid_mask_edx"; 
"cpuid_mask_ext_ecx"; "cpuid_mask_ext_edx"]);
+               (* and destroy my control domain, since you can't do this from 
the API [operation not allowed] *)
+               begin try
+                       let my_control_domain = List.find (fun 
x->x.API.vM_is_control_domain) (List.map snd my_vms_with_records) in
+                       Db.VM.destroy ~__context ~self:(Db.VM.get_by_uuid 
~__context ~uuid:my_control_domain.API.vM_uuid)
+               with _ -> () end;
+               debug "Pool.eject: setting our role to be master";
+               Pool_role.set_role Pool_role.Master;
+               debug "Pool.eject: forgetting pool secret";
+               Unixext.unlink_safe Xapi_globs.pool_secret_path; (* forget 
current pool secret *)
+               (* delete backup databases and any temporary restore databases 
+               Unixext.unlink_safe Xapi_globs.backup_db_xml;
+               Unixext.unlink_safe Xapi_globs.db_temporary_restore_path;
+               (* delete /local/ databases specified in the db.conf, so they 
get recreated on restart.
+                * We must leave any remote database alone because these are 
owned by the pool and
+                * not by this node. *)
+               (* get the slave backup lock so we know no more backups are 
going to be taken --
+                * we keep this lock till the bitter end, where we restart 
below ;)
+                *)
+               Mutex.lock Pool_db_backup.slave_backup_m;
+               finally
+               (fun () ->
+                       let dbs = Parse_db_conf.parse_db_conf 
Xapi_globs.db_conf_path in
+                       (* We need to delete all local dbs but leave remote 
ones alone *)
+                       let local = List.filter (fun db -> not 
db.Parse_db_conf.is_on_remote_storage) dbs in
+                       List.iter Unixext.unlink_safe (List.map (fun 
db->db.Parse_db_conf.path) local);
+                       List.iter Unixext.unlink_safe (List.map 
Generation.gen_count_file local);
+                       (* remove any shared databases from my db.conf *)
+                       (* XXX: on OEM edition the db.conf is rebuilt on every 
boot *)
+                       Parse_db_conf.write_db_conf local;
+                       (* Forget anything we know about configured remote 
databases: this prevents
+                       any initscript reminding us about them after reboot *)
+                       Helpers.log_exn_continue
+                       (Printf.sprintf "Moving remote database file to backup: 
+                       Xapi_globs.remote_db_conf_fragment_path)
+                       (fun () ->
+                               Unix.rename 
+                               Xapi_globs.remote_db_conf_fragment_path
+                               (Xapi_globs.remote_db_conf_fragment_path ^ 
".bak")) ()
+               )
+               (fun () -> Xapi_fuse.light_fuse_and_reboot_after_eject())
+       end
 (* Prohibit parallel flushes since they're so expensive *)
 let sync_m = Mutex.create ()

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