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[Xen-API] [PATCH] CP-1622: Add set and reset functions to alter CPU feat

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] CP-1622: Add set and reset functions to alter CPU feature masks to the datamodel
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 23:10:54 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
CP-1622: Add set and reset functions to alter CPU feature masks to the datamodel

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r ea5d2d9e7ab0 ocaml/client_records/records.ml
--- a/ocaml/client_records/records.ml   Thu Feb 04 10:37:18 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/client_records/records.ml   Thu Feb 04 14:12:33 2010 +0000
@@ -896,6 +896,7 @@
       ~add_to_map:(fun k v -> Client.Host.add_to_other_config rpc session_id 
host k v)
       ~remove_from_map:(fun k -> Client.Host.remove_from_other_config rpc 
session_id host k) 
       ~get_map:(fun () -> (x ()).API.host_other_config) ();
+    make_field ~name:"cpu_info" ~get:(fun () -> Record_util.s2sm_to_string "; 
" (x ()).API.host_cpu_info) ~get_map:(fun () -> (x ()).API.host_cpu_info) ();
     make_field ~name:"hostname"          ~get:(fun () -> (x 
()).API.host_hostname) ();
     make_field ~name:"address"           ~get:(fun () -> (x 
()).API.host_address) ();
     make_field ~name:"supported-bootloaders" ~get:(fun () -> String.concat "; 
" (x ()).API.host_supported_bootloaders) 
diff -r ea5d2d9e7ab0 ocaml/idl/api_errors.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/api_errors.ml   Thu Feb 04 10:37:18 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/idl/api_errors.ml   Thu Feb 04 14:12:33 2010 +0000
@@ -287,6 +287,8 @@
 let license_file_deprecated = "LICENSE_FILE_DEPRECATED"
 let activation_while_not_free = "ACTIVATION_WHILE_NOT_FREE"
+let feature_restricted = "FEATURE_RESTRICTED"
 let xmlrpc_unmarshal_failure = "XMLRPC_UNMARSHAL_FAILURE"
 let duplicate_vm = "DUPLICATE_VM"
@@ -368,3 +370,6 @@
 let vm_bios_strings_already_set = "VM_BIOS_STRINGS_ALREADY_SET"
+let invalid_feature_string = "INVALID_FEATURE_STRING"
+let cpu_feature_masking_not_supported = "CPU_FEATURE_MASKING_NOT_SUPPORTED"
diff -r ea5d2d9e7ab0 ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml    Thu Feb 04 10:37:18 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml    Thu Feb 04 14:12:33 2010 +0000
@@ -291,6 +291,9 @@
     ~doc:"This license file is no longer accepted. Please upgrade to the new 
licensing system." ();
   error Api_errors.activation_while_not_free []
     ~doc:"An activation key can only be applied when the edition is set to 
'free'." ();
+  error Api_errors.feature_restricted []
+    ~doc:"The use of this feature is restricted." ();
   error Api_errors.cannot_contact_host ["host"]
     ~doc:"Cannot forward messages because the host cannot be contacted.  The 
host may be switched off or there may be network connectivity problems." ();
@@ -909,6 +912,14 @@
   error Api_errors.vm_bios_strings_already_set []
     ~doc:"The BIOS strings for this VM have already been set and cannot be 
changed anymore." ();
+  (* CPU feature masking (a.k.a. Intel FlexMigration or AMD Extended Migration 
technology) *)
+  error Api_errors.invalid_feature_string ["details"]
+       ~doc:"The given feature string is not valid." ();
+  error Api_errors.cpu_feature_masking_not_supported ["details"]
+       ~doc:"The CPU does not support masking of features." ();
@@ -3430,9 +3441,27 @@
+let host_set_cpu_features = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"set_cpu_features"
+  ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride
+  ~doc:"Set the CPU features to be used after a reboot, if the given features 
string is valid."
+  ~params:[ 
+    Ref _host, "host", "The host";
+    String, "features", "The features string (32 hexadecimal digits)"
+  ]
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_POOL_OP
+  ()
+let host_reset_cpu_features = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"reset_cpu_features"
+  ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride
+  ~doc:"Remove the feature mask, such that after a reboot all features of the 
CPU are enabled."
+  ~params:[ 
+    Ref _host, "host", "The host"
+  ]
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_POOL_OP
+  ()
 (** Hosts *)
 let host =
     create_obj ~in_db:true ~in_product_since:rel_rio 
~in_oss_since:oss_since_303 ~internal_deprecated_since:None 
~persist:PersistEverything ~gen_constructor_destructor:false ~name:_host 
~descr:"A physical host" ~gen_events:true
@@ -3502,6 +3531,8 @@
+                host_set_cpu_features;
+                host_reset_cpu_features;
         ([ uid _host;
@@ -3525,6 +3556,7 @@
        field ~in_oss_since:None ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Set (Ref 
_host_patch)) "patches" "Set of host patches";
        field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Set (Ref _pbd)) "PBDs" "physical 
        field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Set (Ref _hostcpu)) "host_CPUs" "The 
physical CPUs on this host";
+       field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride 
~default_value:(Some (VMap [])) ~ty:(Map(String, String)) "cpu_info" "Details 
about the physical CPUs on this host";
        field ~in_oss_since:None ~qualifier:RW ~ty:String "hostname" "The 
hostname of this host";
        field ~in_oss_since:None ~qualifier:RW ~ty:String "address" "The 
address by which this host can be contacted from any other host in the pool";
        field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Ref _host_metrics) "metrics" "metrics 
associated with this host";
diff -r ea5d2d9e7ab0 ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml  Thu Feb 04 10:37:18 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml  Thu Feb 04 14:12:33 2010 +0000
@@ -2126,6 +2126,16 @@
       info "Host.refresh_pack_info: host = '%s'" (host_uuid ~__context host);
       let local_fn = Local.Host.refresh_pack_info ~host in
       do_op_on ~local_fn ~__context ~host (fun session_id rpc -> 
Client.Host.refresh_pack_info rpc session_id host)
+    let set_cpu_features ~__context ~host ~features = 
+      info "Host.set_cpu_features: host = '%s'; features = '%s'" (host_uuid 
~__context host) features;
+      let local_fn = Local.Host.set_cpu_features ~host ~features in
+      do_op_on ~local_fn ~__context ~host (fun session_id rpc -> 
Client.Host.set_cpu_features rpc session_id host features)
+    let reset_cpu_features ~__context ~host = 
+      info "Host.reset_cpu_features: host = '%s'" (host_uuid ~__context host);
+      let local_fn = Local.Host.reset_cpu_features ~host in
+      do_op_on ~local_fn ~__context ~host (fun session_id rpc -> 
Client.Host.reset_cpu_features rpc session_id host)
   module Host_crashdump = struct
diff -r ea5d2d9e7ab0 ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml   Thu Feb 04 10:37:18 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml   Thu Feb 04 14:12:33 2010 +0000
@@ -630,6 +630,7 @@
     ~name_description ~name_label ~uuid ~other_config:[]
     ~cpu_configuration:[]   (* !!! FIXME hard coding *)
+    ~cpu_info:[]
     ~sched_policy:"credit"  (* !!! FIXME hard coding *)
     ~supported_bootloaders:(List.map fst Xapi_globs.supported_bootloaders)
@@ -1261,3 +1262,12 @@
        debug "Refreshing software_version";
        let software_version = Create_misc.make_software_version () in
        Db.Host.set_software_version ~__context ~self:host 
+let set_cpu_features ~__context ~host ~features =
+       debug "Set CPU features";
+       ()
+let reset_cpu_features ~__context ~host =
+       debug "Reset CPU features";
+       ()
diff -r ea5d2d9e7ab0 ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli  Thu Feb 04 10:37:18 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli  Thu Feb 04 14:12:33 2010 +0000
@@ -195,22 +195,22 @@
 (** {2 Static VDIs} *)
+(** Make the given VDIs static on the host, such that they will automatically 
be attached
+ * when xapi is restarted on this host. Supply a [reason] string for each VDI 
to be
+ * included. *)
 val attach_static_vdis :
   __context:Context.t ->
   host:API.ref_host -> vdi_reason_map:([ `VDI ] Ref.t * string) list -> unit
-(** Make the given VDIs static on the host, such that they will automatically 
be attached
- * when xapi is restarted on this host. Supply a [reason] string for each VDI 
to be
- * included. *)
+(** Remove the given VDIs from the list of static VDIs on the host. *)
 val detach_static_vdis :
   __context:Context.t -> host:API.ref_host -> vdis:API.ref_VDI list -> unit
-(** Remove the given VDIs from the list of static VDIs on the host. *)
 (** {2 Local Database} *)
+(** Set a key in the Local DB of the host. *)
 val set_localdb_key : __context:Context.t -> host:API.ref_host -> key:string 
-> value:string -> unit 
-(** Set a key in the Local DB of the host. *)
 (** {2 Secrets} *)
@@ -218,10 +218,12 @@
 val update_pool_secret :
   __context:'a -> host:'b -> pool_secret:string -> unit
 (** {2 Supplemental Packs} *)
+(** Refresh the list of Supplemental Packs in the host.software_version field. 
 val refresh_pack_info : __context:Context.t -> host:API.ref_host -> unit
-(** Refresh the list of Supplemental Packs in the host.software_version field. 
 (** {2 Licensing} *)
@@ -233,3 +235,12 @@
  *  Also call this function to change to a different license server, after the
  *  connection details in host.license_server have been amended. *)
+(** {2 CPU Feature Masking} *)
+(** Set the CPU features to be used after a reboot, if the given features 
string is valid. *)
+val set_cpu_features : __context:Context.t -> host:API.ref_host -> 
features:string -> unit
+(** Remove the feature mask, such that after a reboot all features of the CPU 
are enabled. *)
+val reset_cpu_features : __context:Context.t -> host:API.ref_host -> unit

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  • [Xen-API] [PATCH] CP-1622: Add set and reset functions to alter CPU feature masks to the datamodel, Rob Hoes <=