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[Xen-API] [PATCH] CP-1632: Add restrictions option for Heterogeneous Poo

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] CP-1632: Add restrictions option for Heterogeneous Pools feature
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 12:41:54 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
CP-1632: Add restrictions option for Heterogeneous Pools feature

Plus some cleanup of the restrictions file.

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 93602fe9a6ba ocaml/license/restrictions.ml
--- a/ocaml/license/restrictions.ml     Fri Feb 05 09:53:59 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/license/restrictions.ml     Fri Feb 05 10:00:20 2010 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Citrix Systems Inc.
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
        enable_dmc : bool;
        enable_checkpoint : bool;
        enable_vswitch_controller : bool;
+       enable_cpu_masking : bool;
        restrict_connection : bool;
        platform_filter : bool;
        regular_nag_dialog : bool;
@@ -76,8 +77,9 @@
                "WLB"     ,     x.enable_wlb           ;
                "RBAC"    ,     x.enable_rbac          ;
                "DMC"     ,     x.enable_dmc           ;
+               "chpt"    ,     x.enable_checkpoint    ;
                "DVSC"    ,     x.enable_vswitch_controller;
-               "chpt"    ,     x.enable_checkpoint    ;
+               "Mask"    ,     x.enable_cpu_masking;
                "Cnx"     , not x.restrict_connection  ;
                "Plat"    , not x.platform_filter      ;
                "nag"     ,     x.regular_nag_dialog   ;
@@ -103,6 +105,7 @@
        enable_dmc            = true;
        enable_checkpoint     = true;
        enable_vswitch_controller = true;
+       enable_cpu_masking = true;
        restrict_connection   = false;
        platform_filter       = false;
        regular_nag_dialog    = false;
@@ -126,6 +129,7 @@
        enable_dmc            = a.enable_dmc            && b.enable_dmc;
        enable_checkpoint     = a.enable_checkpoint     && b.enable_checkpoint;
        enable_vswitch_controller = a.enable_vswitch_controller && 
+       enable_cpu_masking = a.enable_cpu_masking && b.enable_cpu_masking;
        restrict_connection   = a.restrict_connection   || 
        platform_filter       = a.platform_filter       || b.platform_filter;
        regular_nag_dialog    = a.regular_nag_dialog    || b.regular_nag_dialog;
@@ -135,10 +139,10 @@
 (* Returns true if the pool SKUs are 'floodgate free' (ie if any are express *)
 let pool_is_floodgate_free_of_list (license_params: ((string * string) list) 
list) = 
-  (* Some of the license_params might be malformed due to initial startup 
glitches *)
-  let valid = List.filter (fun license_params -> try 
ignore(License.of_assoc_list license_params); true with _ -> false) 
license_params in
-  let licenses = List.map License.of_assoc_list license_params in
-  List.fold_left (||) false (List.map (fun x -> is_floodgate_free 
(sku_of_string x.License.sku)) licenses)
+       (* Some of the license_params might be malformed due to initial startup 
glitches *)
+       let valid = List.filter (fun license_params -> try 
ignore(License.of_assoc_list license_params); true with _ -> false) 
license_params in
+       let licenses = List.map License.of_assoc_list license_params in
+       List.fold_left (||) false (List.map (fun x -> is_floodgate_free 
(sku_of_string x.License.sku)) licenses)
 let _restrict_connection = "restrict_connection"
 let _restrict_pooling = "restrict_pooling"
@@ -157,103 +161,108 @@
 let _restrict_dmc = "restrict_dmc"
 let _restrict_checkpoint = "restrict_checkpoint"
 let _restrict_vswitch_controller = "restrict_vswitch_controller"
+let _restrict_cpu_masking = "restrict_cpu_masking"
 let _regular_nag_dialog = "regular_nag_dialog"
 let to_assoc_list (x: restrictions) = 
-  [ (_restrict_connection,string_of_bool x.restrict_connection);
-    (_restrict_pooling,string_of_bool (not x.enable_pooling));
-    (_restrict_qos,string_of_bool (not x.enable_qos));
-    (_restrict_pool_attached_storage,string_of_bool (not 
-    (_restrict_netapp, string_of_bool (not x.enable_netapp));
-    (_restrict_equalogic, string_of_bool (not x.enable_equalogic));
-    (_restrict_vlan,string_of_bool (not x.enable_vlans));
-    (_enable_xha, string_of_bool (x.enable_xha));
-    (_restrict_marathon, string_of_bool (not x.enable_mtc_pci));
-    (_platform_filter, string_of_bool x.platform_filter);
-    (_restrict_email_alerting, string_of_bool (not x.enable_email));
-    (_restrict_historical_performance, string_of_bool (not 
-    (_restrict_wlb, string_of_bool (not x.enable_wlb));
-    (_restrict_rbac, string_of_bool (not x.enable_rbac));
-    (_restrict_dmc,                    string_of_bool (not x.enable_dmc        
-    (_restrict_checkpoint,             string_of_bool (not x.enable_checkpoint 
-    (_restrict_vswitch_controller,     string_of_bool (not 
x.enable_vswitch_controller ));
-    (_regular_nag_dialog, string_of_bool x.regular_nag_dialog);
-  ]
+       [ (_restrict_connection,string_of_bool x.restrict_connection);
+               (_restrict_pooling,string_of_bool (not x.enable_pooling));
+               (_restrict_qos,string_of_bool (not x.enable_qos));
+               (_restrict_pool_attached_storage,string_of_bool (not 
+               (_restrict_netapp, string_of_bool (not x.enable_netapp));
+               (_restrict_equalogic, string_of_bool (not x.enable_equalogic));
+               (_restrict_vlan,string_of_bool (not x.enable_vlans));
+               (_enable_xha, string_of_bool (x.enable_xha));
+               (_restrict_marathon, string_of_bool (not x.enable_mtc_pci));
+               (_platform_filter, string_of_bool x.platform_filter);
+               (_restrict_email_alerting, string_of_bool (not x.enable_email));
+               (_restrict_historical_performance, string_of_bool (not 
+               (_restrict_wlb, string_of_bool (not x.enable_wlb));
+               (_restrict_rbac, string_of_bool (not x.enable_rbac));
+               (_restrict_dmc,                    string_of_bool (not 
x.enable_dmc           ));
+               (_restrict_checkpoint,             string_of_bool (not 
x.enable_checkpoint    ));
+               (_restrict_vswitch_controller,     string_of_bool (not 
x.enable_vswitch_controller ));
+               (_restrict_cpu_masking,            string_of_bool (not 
x.enable_cpu_masking   ));
+               (_regular_nag_dialog, string_of_bool x.regular_nag_dialog);
+       ]
 (* Read an association list possibly generated by a slave running a previous 
version and hence possibly 
    missing some values. In the case where a value is missing we default to the 
most_permissive. *)
 let of_assoc_list x = 
-  let find fn key = if List.mem_assoc key x then Some (fn (List.assoc key x)) 
else None in
-  { 
-    enable_vlans          = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_vlans          
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_vlan));
-    enable_qos            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_qos            
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_qos));
-    enable_shared_storage = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_shared_storage 
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_pool_attached_storage));
-    enable_netapp         = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_netapp         
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_netapp));
-    enable_equalogic      = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_equalogic      
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_equalogic));
-    enable_pooling        = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_pooling        
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_pooling));
-    enable_xha            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_xha             
            (find bool_of_string _enable_xha);
-    enable_mtc_pci        = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_mtc_pci        
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_marathon));
-    restrict_connection   = Opt.default most_permissive.restrict_connection    
            (find bool_of_string _restrict_connection);
-    platform_filter       = Opt.default most_permissive.platform_filter        
            (find bool_of_string _platform_filter);
-    enable_email          = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_email          
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_email_alerting));
-    enable_performance    = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_performance    
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_historical_performance));
-    enable_wlb            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_wlb            
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_wlb));
-    enable_rbac           = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_rbac           
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_rbac));
-    enable_dmc            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_dmc            
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_dmc));
-    enable_checkpoint     = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_checkpoint     
(Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_dmc));
-    enable_vswitch_controller = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_dmc         
   (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_vswitch_controller));
-    regular_nag_dialog    = Opt.default most_permissive.regular_nag_dialog     
            (find bool_of_string _regular_nag_dialog);
-  }
+       let find fn key = if List.mem_assoc key x then Some (fn (List.assoc key 
x)) else None in
+       { 
+               enable_vlans          = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_vlans          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_qos            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_qos  
          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_qos));
+               enable_shared_storage = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_shared_storage (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_netapp         = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_netapp         (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_equalogic      = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_equalogic      (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_pooling        = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_pooling        (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_xha            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_xha  
                       (find bool_of_string _enable_xha);
+               enable_mtc_pci        = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_mtc_pci        (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               restrict_connection   = Opt.default 
most_permissive.restrict_connection                (find bool_of_string 
+               platform_filter       = Opt.default 
most_permissive.platform_filter                    (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_email          = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_email          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_performance    = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_performance    (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_wlb            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_wlb  
          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_wlb));
+               enable_rbac           = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_rbac 
          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_rbac));
+               enable_dmc            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_dmc  
          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_dmc));
+               enable_checkpoint     = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_checkpoint     (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_vswitch_controller = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_vswitch_controller (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               enable_cpu_masking    = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_cpu_masking    (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
+               regular_nag_dialog    = Opt.default 
most_permissive.regular_nag_dialog                 (find bool_of_string 
+       }
 (* Encodes the minimum set of restrictions available in all SKUs (ie FG-Free 
and FG-PaidFor) *)
 let common_to_all_skus =
-  {
-    enable_vlans = true;
-    enable_qos = true;
-    enable_shared_storage = true;
-    enable_netapp = false;
-    enable_equalogic = false;
-    enable_pooling = true;
-    enable_xha = false;
-    enable_mtc_pci = true;
-    restrict_connection = false;
-    platform_filter = true;
-    enable_email = false;
-    enable_performance = false;
-    enable_wlb = false;
-    enable_rbac = false;
-    enable_dmc = false;
-    enable_checkpoint     = false;
-    enable_vswitch_controller = false;
-    regular_nag_dialog = true;
-  }
+       {
+               enable_vlans = true;
+               enable_qos = true;
+               enable_shared_storage = true;
+               enable_netapp = false;
+               enable_equalogic = false;
+               enable_pooling = true;
+               enable_xha = false;
+               enable_mtc_pci = true;
+               restrict_connection = false;
+               platform_filter = true;
+               enable_email = false;
+               enable_performance = false;
+               enable_wlb = false;
+               enable_rbac = false;
+               enable_dmc = false;
+               enable_checkpoint = false;
+               enable_vswitch_controller = false;
+               enable_cpu_masking = false;
+               regular_nag_dialog = true;
+       }
 let get_sku () = sku_of_string !License.license.License.sku
 let get_sku_from_license l = sku_of_string l.sku
 let rec restrictions_of_sku = function
-| Express -> common_to_all_skus
-| Enterprise ->
-       {
-               common_to_all_skus with
-               enable_xha = true;
-               platform_filter = false;
-               enable_netapp = true;
-               enable_equalogic = true;
-               enable_email = true;
-               enable_performance = true;
-               enable_wlb = true;
-               enable_rbac = true;
-               enable_dmc = true;
-               enable_checkpoint  = true;
-               enable_vswitch_controller = true;
-               regular_nag_dialog = false;
-       }
+       | Express -> common_to_all_skus
+       | Enterprise ->
+               {
+                       common_to_all_skus with
+                       enable_xha = true;
+                       platform_filter = false;
+                       enable_netapp = true;
+                       enable_equalogic = true;
+                       enable_email = true;
+                       enable_performance = true;
+                       enable_wlb = true;
+                       enable_rbac = true;
+                       enable_dmc = true;
+                       enable_checkpoint  = true;
+                       enable_vswitch_controller = true;
+                       enable_cpu_masking = true;
+                       regular_nag_dialog = false;
+               }
 let get () =
-  restrictions_of_sku (get_sku ())
+       restrictions_of_sku (get_sku ())
 (* Cache of pool restrictions, always updated at least once when the master 
reads its license *)
 let pool_restrictions = ref most_permissive
@@ -262,30 +271,33 @@
 let get_pool () = Mutex.execute pool_restrictions_m (fun () -> 
 let update_pool_restrictions ~__context = 
-  Mutex.execute pool_restrictions_m
-    (fun () ->
-       let hosts = List.map (fun (_, host_r) -> 
host_r.API.host_license_params) (Db.Host.get_all_records ~__context) in
-       let new_restrictions = pool_restrictions_of_list (List.map 
of_assoc_list hosts) in
-       if new_restrictions <> !pool_restrictions then begin
-                info "Old pool restrictions: %s" (to_compact_string 
-                info "New pool restrictions: %s" (to_compact_string 
-                pool_restrictions := new_restrictions
-       end;
-       let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
-       Db.Pool.set_restrictions ~__context ~self:pool ~value:(to_assoc_list 
-    )
+       Mutex.execute pool_restrictions_m (fun () ->
+               let hosts = List.map (fun (_, host_r) -> 
host_r.API.host_license_params) (Db.Host.get_all_records ~__context) in
+               let new_restrictions = pool_restrictions_of_list (List.map 
of_assoc_list hosts) in
+               if new_restrictions <> !pool_restrictions then begin
+                       info "Old pool restrictions: %s" (to_compact_string 
+                       info "New pool restrictions: %s" (to_compact_string 
+                       pool_restrictions := new_restrictions
+               end;
+               let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
+               Db.Pool.set_restrictions ~__context ~self:pool 
~value:(to_assoc_list new_restrictions)
+       )
 let license_ok_for_wlb ~__context =
-  (get_pool()).enable_wlb
+       (get_pool()).enable_wlb
 let license_ok_for_rbac ~__context =
-  (get_pool()).enable_rbac
+       (get_pool()).enable_rbac
 let context_ok_for_dmc ~__context = 
-  (get_pool()).enable_dmc
+       (get_pool()).enable_dmc
 let ok_for_checkpoint () =
-let license_ok_for_vswitch_controller ~__context = 
-  (get_pool()).enable_vswitch_controller
+let ok_for_vswitch_controller () =
+       (get_pool()).enable_vswitch_controller
+let ok_for_cpu_masking () =
+       (get_pool()).enable_cpu_masking
diff -r 93602fe9a6ba ocaml/license/restrictions.mli
--- a/ocaml/license/restrictions.mli    Fri Feb 05 09:53:59 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/license/restrictions.mli    Fri Feb 05 10:00:20 2010 +0000
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
        enable_dmc            : bool; (** enable Dynamic Memory Control (DMC) *)
        enable_checkpoint     : bool; (** enable Checkpoint *)
        enable_vswitch_controller : bool; (** enable use of a Distributed 
VSwitch (DVS) Controller *)
+       enable_cpu_masking    : bool; (** enable masking of CPU features *)
        restrict_connection   : bool; (** not used anymore; perhaps XenCenter 
does? *)
        platform_filter       : bool; (** filter platform data on domain 
create? *)
        regular_nag_dialog    : bool; (** used by XenCenter *)
@@ -91,3 +92,10 @@
 (** Checks whether we are entitled to enable checkpoint *)
 val ok_for_checkpoint : unit -> bool
+(** Checks whether we are entitled to use a VSwitch Controller *)
+val ok_for_vswitch_controller : unit -> bool
+(** Checks whether we are entitled to mask CPU features *)
+val ok_for_cpu_masking : unit -> bool

Attachment: flex-restrictions
Description: Text document

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  • [Xen-API] [PATCH] CP-1632: Add restrictions option for Heterogeneous Pools feature, Rob Hoes <=